
915 36 13

December 12, 2020

„Wow, what a beauty!"
„The cameras will fall in love with you!"
„You mean, every boy will fall to her feet."
„Let me see. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what a piece of art by me looks like!"
Twirling their favorite client in the middle of the hotel room, the stylists were once again proud of their magic they've done on her. A breathtaking red Valentino silk gown paired with some plain heels, a shiny golden chain around her neck and with her hair gracefully slicked back in an elegant bun Millie was ready for the last Stranger Things premiere ever. How strange it still sounded to her. A show, an experience which turned her life into a dream of many people overnight was going to end. All the memories she made on set with her friends would only stay as memories. From her prank calls with Noah over karaoke nights with Sadie to snuggle breaks with Finn. All those pictures she would carry for the rest of her life in her heart. Thinking about it she haven't noticed how the tears were rising up in her eyes again. Kelsey, her Makeup artist was quick to react. „We don't want to ruin our makeup for the big night, do we?" she said with a warm smile while tapping her face lightly with a tissue. „Sorry, I'm just so emotional. Everything will be over after tonight." Millie muttered. „Not everything, honey." Kelsey gestured at the room entrance. Millie turned her head in the same direction to catch the sight of Finn leaning at the door frame, wearing his finest YSL suit embroidered with a waterfall of tiny diamonds down the side seams. Millie gestured her team silently to quit the room as they did, leaving her and Finn alone. „Wow, look at you." He voiced after closing the door behind him and walking towards her. She smiled shyly. „Talking about you, Mr. Saint Laurent." Slowly he laid his hands on her hips feeling the soft silk sliding on his fingertips. „Mmm, guess we have not much time until the big event." He teased with a smirk. „Oh, so what do you suggest?" She played along. „I don't know.. maybe this?" He slowly leaned in to capture her lips leaving her breathless until she cupped his face and slid her fingers in his curls to take over the control. „Woah, easy, they took like 3 hours to get them right!" He pulled away jokingly. „Sorry, not sorry you Shampoo ad model." She chuckled, leaning in once again to press her lips back on the place where they belonged. After a good 5 minutes they pulled away to catch their breaths. „Finn." Her expression turned serious. He looked at her interrogatively. „I need you to be careful out there. One flash, one word, one gesture. It can end both of us. Do you understand?" He nodded along with putting his hand gently on her shoulder in order to calm her down. He noticed her shaking like crazy. „Nothing will happen, don't worry about it, Mill." He spoke to her in his usual soft voice. „But what if they find out? How will we deal with billions of people?" She started pacing through the room. „Nobody will find out, okay? We've been hiding it for over two weeks now. What is even one night against two whole weeks? We're actors, it's what we do." She didn't seem convinced. „Besides, you've been always capable of dealing with billions of people. You are strong, babe. I believe in you." With words like these he succeeded to make her heart melt. „Promise me you won't mess it up. Because I know your uncontrollable mouth." She said halfway seriously. His lips curved into a smile, that lovestruck smile he always did when he was looking at her while asking himself how he could've gotten so lucky. With his girlfriend in his arms he forgot everything what was happening around them. „I promise." He sighed, placing small kisses all over her face making her giggle in happiness. As soon as the door crashed open they quickly jumped apart but they didn't realize it was too late. Finn's whole team was standing in the door frame exchanging looks between him and Millie. „There you are!" Blondie, his hairstylist, expressed enthusiastically. „Don't worry love birds, your little secret is safe with me." She whispered in a volume only they could hear and reached out to her client. „Come on, there is still some work left." She stated leading him out of the room. With a happily sigh Millie carefully let herself fall on the bed shutting her lids and processing everything what was happening in that moment. Finn, her first kiss, her first crush, her first on-screen romance always managed to make her feel like she's the most loved and cherished person in the world. After everything they've been through he finally confessed his feelings to her and for the very first time, she let him in her heart, she finally allowed him to call himself her boyfriend.
Still raving on her bed she heard her team entering the room. And one of them was clearly not satisfied. „Millie! The dress!" Thomas, her stylist gasped after he saw that shocking scene. She jumped. „Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, Thomas!" She rapidly stood up from the bed making her way towards her stylist who was putting the gown perfectly back into its place. A few touches here, a few touches there. She was ready for one of the biggest events of her lifetime.

* * *
First of all, hi, it's ya girl ira!
Most of you may know me from Instagram aka thatkidfromstrangerthings who just really had the guts to publish the prologue of her first own story among a thousand amazing fillie fanfics written by the most talented writers
Besides that, she just sacrificed 3 hours of her precious sleep though she needs to get up early for work tomorrow!

I'm so scared and excited at the same time if people will actually read this stuff.. but I don't want to sound so self-critical because you know what they say, to be loved you gotta love yourself first

Let me know what you think!

See you soon

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