Same old siblings

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It was shiny and had interesting markings on it HB walked closer. FF:"HB STOP!!" Suddenly a tall figure jumped out. It looked almost like Hornet but had edges on it's head and had a cloth around its neck. HB and FF:"AHHHHHHH!!!" It looked around and then signed to the children "Please don't scream, I'm not mean. I'm The Hollow Knight, you know, the one who contained the infection? Maybe you don't know because you're young. I'm looking for my sister Hornet." FF told his sister what it said. HB: "Wait a minute, if Hornet is your sister, are our uncle?! :D" THK: "I suppose so, though I don't recall my sister having children. It's fine she can catch me up on it later." FF and HB: "Were gonna tell our mom she has a visitor and you can surprise her!" THK: "Wow thanks." FF and HB rushed to their house and knocked on the door very loud. Hornet: "Huh? What is it ki- *Gasps*".

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