(Pray you don't get burned)

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   Initially, Giorno tries to balance carrying an entire three dishes out to the dinner table, but Jotaro was having none of it. Giorno only has the time to process the emergence of stand energy, before Star Platinum has scooped the fresh-out-of-the-oven lasagna ('I promised Jolyne we'd make some...') off its resting place—an unstable perch atop a bread platter that balanced atop the pot of soup Giorno was also balancing.

"Hey!" Giorno frowns.

"Stop being a dumbass." Jotaro responds, deadpan, as he sets the lasagna on the counter.

"I could have handled it." Giorno huffs, and the movement makes the platter of bread slide off its post.

Gold Experience makes a dive to catch the platter, but Star Platinum is faster, as it easily snatches the dish and carefully places it on the counter, before fading back into the hard edges of Jotaro's frame. "See?" Jotaro says. "I told you."

Giorno feels like he'll burn up of embarrassment. He manages a quick 'I'm...going to go serve this...' and leaves the kitchen as fast as he can, having to resist the urge the slam the door behind him. While on the walkway, Giorno pauses, and tries to cool down his racing heartbeat. It was only a small thing, nothing to worry about.

He thinks he'll try to avoid Jotaro for as long as possible.

Giorno snaps out of his thoughts when he feels a tap on his shoulder, he jerks his head around, momentary panic. But his muscles immediately relax at the gentle face. It's Holly.


Holly studies him. Frowns. "You don't have to worry about Jotaro judging you, y'know."

He forces a smile. "I'm not quite sure what you mean?"

However, the moment is interrupted when a large figure, Jotaro, approaches the pair. "It's a biological function." He says—deadpan—a statement that feels like it was taken far out of context. It takes Giorno a few seconds of confused staring before he can even begin to attempt figuring out what Jotaro had meant.

Don't...worry about being embarrassed, it's natural...? Err...It's natural to make a mistake? Perhaps? Admittedly, Giorno can't quite figure out exactly what Jotaro means, and even if he were to ask, (but he won't, because Giorno knows everything, should know everything), Jotaro was already long-gone; bringing the food he was carrying to the common room.

Giorno doesn't ask, but Holly notices. She chuckles. "Don't worry about him, he's never been the best with words." A pause. "He means not to worry so much...even if his phrasing is a little confusing."

The blonde opens his mouth, and he means to say; how do you know? But he doesn't ask. Because it seems like something he should know, even if he doesn't.

(There's something extremely wrong in the mere suggestion that Giorno Giovanna, who's supposed to know, doesn't know.)

The woman smiles, gentle. "It's because we're family."

Holly answers his unasked question, and somehow, Giorno is left with more questions than he had before. Because, the thing is, the blonde isn't exactly sure what family is. But he doesn't ask these questions, either, and Holly doesn't answer, this time.

The question doesn't leave, but it fades. They bring the food into the common room. The low coffee table was already mostly taken up, though. And they had a problem.

Holly frets over eating in a place other than the dining room, but Joseph yells a loud 'you won't make these old bones move!', and suddenly Mista is volunteering to help Josuke carry a big, heavy, table into the already cramped common room, and Jotaro is telling them 'no'. And it's so much, too much, for Giorno to follow. All of a sudden, everyone is talking at once, and conversation bounces around fast and confusing. He can vaguely hear Mista boasting that with him by Josuke's side; they don't need anyone else to carry the table, which Josuke seems only half-okay with.

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