Under this Roof

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   The room buzzes with activity—laughs and arguments and playful jibs—a certain blonde is notably not present among this.

Giorno stands quietly by the wall. He has no reason to leave. He has no reason to go and mingle. Instead, he focuses solely on observing. He watches Jolyne play with Trish. He observes as Mista stumbles back and embarrassingly explains that he couldn't find the bathroom. He mentally notes it when Shizuka gets up and volunteers to show his gunman the way.

Most of all, he finds his eyes lingering on Josuke as the teen dances half-steps around his father. Giorno finds himself straining his ears when Joseph speaks in a quiet voice that somehow sparks with life.

Giorno finds himself dwelling on Josuke's words for far longer than he really should. He isn't even really thinking of any particular aspect. 'It was pretty awkward at first! But it all turned out good.' he wonders why this keeps on running loops through his head.

(He wonders why he's so hung up over this. He wonders what 'this' is at all. There's nothing to think about, here.)

The distraction from his thoughts comes in the form of a softly worded inquiry.

"Giorno?" His name is spoken soft and gentle.

The blonde lifts his head and locks eyes with the woman. He tilts his head, imitating curiosity the best he can. "Yes?"

Holly looks worried, though. And Giorno can't figure out why. "How are you doing?" But it's less 'of a how are you doing?' and more of an 'are you okay?'.

Giorno nods. "Lovely. You have a very nice household, Holly."

But she still looks concerned, and with a start, Giorno realizes that he forgot to smile. He had let his features sag and go stoically blank. He might have even let a crease appear between his brows. How horrible. It was a mistake of his own doing. It was careless of him.

The blonde makes quick action to fix his mistake, but even as his face morphs to a smiling angel's—the damage is done. Holly brings her lips to a thin line and pauses. "Would you like to help me in the kitchen?" She offers.

The blonde blinks. He's a little bit taken aback. It makes sense though, of course someone as kind as Holly would offer him a leave from the room. She was too kind really. But he's bothered, because, that must mean he hasn't been good enough.

(He knows he hasn't been.)

Giorno doesn't have time to dwell on this, though. He needs to answer. "I'd love to, thank you." He can hardly deny the offer, after all.

Holly beams, big and bright. Like the sun, or a daisy. "Okay then!" She rests her hands on her hips. "Let's go."

Notably, she doesn't reach for his hand, but instead grins and gestures for him to follow her. There's no hesitance in his steps as he carefully follows the woman out of the room. However, once they're about to enter the walkway that bridges the Kitchen and the room; she stops.

Giorno is thrown off-tune as he turns his eyes to carefully watch Holly's next move. She appears to be facing the room's corner—getting ready to say something.


Whatever Giorno was expecting, it wasn't that. Holly calls a few things in Japanese. Even without him being able to pick up bits and pieces—'kitchen', 'dinner', 'help'—he could understand the conversation quite easily.

Jotaro responds something in Japanese, eyes briefly flicking to Giorno. Holly huffs; lightly tapping her foot. Jotaro rolls his eyes, but lifts himself from the chair nonetheless.

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