Chapter 01

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      I'll just say this as an introduction, I hate waking up early.

     I love mornings, don't get me wrong, it's just the feeling you have when you wake up early. The drowsiness is so hard to bare, but you have to get through it to go to school and get an education. I know going to school is a privilege, but why does it have to be so early? Teenage brains don't even work this early when you get no sleep. I mean, it's my responsibility to get sleep, but once school's back in motion, there is a ton of homework, then my sleep schedule is the school's responsibility. These are the kind of thoughts I have when I'm the only one awake. My brother SHOULD be awake right now, maybe I should go yell at him to get his sorry butt up, like mom used to do. But not right now, breakfast is more important.

     Messing with my (h/c) hair, I looked into my bedroom mirror. Am I looking for a more feminine or masculine look today? Masculine is nice, but I personally think skirts are more for a first day look, so I'll go with that. I grabbed a blue bow off my dresser, and fixed it into my hair. Now to go find my uniform.

     "Hurry up! Dad's not home go get your butt out the door!" I closed the door behind me, and grabbed my headphones, before opening spotify and choosing my favorite playlist (play song, feel free to loop). I looked at my arm as I walked to school, the black numbers on my arm slowly ticking down. Today's the day, I'm sure of it. Why? I have no clue, I just have some sort of feeling. That feeling where everything is going to be just fine. Let's just hope I don't mess anything up like I usually do.

     Why is this school so huge? The walls seem so unrealistically tall. The school I went to was way smaller than this. Wait, do I have my schedule? As I continued walking, I opened my backpack, looking through it. Suddenly I must have bumped into someone, before I fell down, by phone and earbuds skidded across the floor. "Oh no, I'm sorry!" I looked up and saw a guy, easily high on the attractive scale. Probably in the same grade I was. He chuckled, before leaning down and grabbing my phone, looking at its case.

     "It's no problem, just pay attention to where you're going next time." He smirked, before handing my phone back to me, I quickly looked at the screen, not a crack in sight. I sigh a breath of relief, before grabbing my backpack. "Someone seems to be lost. Let me introduce myself. The name's Laurance, He/Him pronouns."

     He reached out his hand to help me up, which I gladly took. "Name's (Y/N), doesn't matter what pronouns you use. Though I mostly use They/Them." I chuckled, looking down at myself. "I'm a disaster, if you haven't figured that out yet."

     Laurance smirked, "Don't worry. I'm just going to assume it's your first day, you a freshman or..?" "Sophomore," I quickly replied. "I moved here to Phoenix Drop over the summer, very pretty place." I looked behind me, everyone moving to their first classes of the day. "You want to help me find my classes, or am I going to have to figure that out on my own?"

     Laurance put out his hand, and I put my schedule there. He quickly looked it over. "I know exactly where we're going. Just, don't lose me. I'll try to make sure the girls don't gather around." Girls? Is he in a poly? No, I shouldn't be asking that, why would I? I zipped up by (F/C) backpack and followed him. It was long before some ladies crowded around him. It took a few seconds for him to get them to go away. "Sorry about them, they don't know how to keep it to themselves sometimes." I started giggling. I was about to say something snarky, but he might take it the wrong way, so I kept it to myself. Before I knew it, we were at my homeroom. "By the way, If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me or the people I'm hanging out with. They're all kind people, so you shouldn't have any problems."

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