Chapter 02

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Laurance's POV

(Play Song, feel free to loop)

"I can't believe they're my soulmate" I looked up at the ceiling, moving the brown hair out of my face. "I still can't believe that Aphmau isn't my soulmate." I was tempted to not even get out of bed. Yes I /was/ disappointed that Aphmau wasn't my soulmate, but once I met her my timer didn't go to zero, so I knew she wasn't going to be my soulmate, but it still stings. Don't get me wrong, Y/N doesn't seem to be a bad person, but I only met her yesterday, who knows? Wait a minute.. Do they know that I'm her soulmate? Crap, this is bad. The poor person is going to be freaking out. Hopefully they don't do anything stupid.. Well I'm going to feel stupid if I don't get out of bed.

I finished putting on my uniform, and looked at myself in the mirror. If I wasn't Aphmau's soulmate, then who was? Definitely wasn't Garroth, he would've said something about it. Not Dante either... maybe she hasn't met hers yet? Why am I even thinking about this. I know I like her, a lot.. But fate has decided that she wasn't the one, so I just have to roll with it. Y/N is pretty good looking though, I'll admit that.

Once I got to the school, I heard faint yelling coming from the courtyard, so me, being a peak dumbass, decided to check it out and probably get hurt. Walking faster, I reached the water fountain, there was a crowd around something or someone. I pushed myself into the front of the small crowd, and there were three people in the middle. Ivy, Michi, and.. Y/N? I walked my way out to stand behind Y/N. "What's going on?"

Y/N was surprised and looked back at me, I gave a confident smile, and they slightly relaxed, but still kinda shaken. I looked back at Michi and Ivy. Michi's eyes were lit up, "Laurance!" She ran over to me, so I stepped to the side and watched her stumble. "Laurance, what's wrong baby?" Ivy chuckled in the background, she knew I only had a few choices.

"Look, Michi." I started, "You're picking on a new kid, leave 'em alone." I grabbed Y/N's arm, and pulled them behind me. Before they could say anything, I spoke up. "What did they do to you two, exist? Pathetic." I looked Michi in the eye, "Plus, I'm not your guy anymore, so just leave me alone. You cheated, remember that?" A flashback took me back to the moment I found Michi, in my own house, making out with another person. I remember feeling so insulted in that moment. I snapped back to reality. "You just gotta remember, it's over. It's been over for almost a year now. Please leave me alone."

The crowd reacted, some clapping, others laughing. I wasn't sure who at this point. Michi walked back over to Ivy, and whispered something into her ear before chuckling. "Fine, Babe. You know, this publicity stunt is really working out well. See you later!" The Meif'wa took Ivy's hand, and pulled her into the main building. The crowd started to disperse, most of them clapping. I knew what Michi said wasn't going to work on them, she's always a snitch and cheating on people, I should've known that when I got with her.

I turned back over to Y/N and let go of them, "Sorry for those two, they're..." I paused, trying to think of a polite word, "troublesome.. Let's put it." They chuckled, and looked around. "What were you three fighting about? It seemed pretty important..." I looked behind the (H/C) person to the school building, where everyone was going.

Y/N had a panicked expression on their face, before they took a deep breath. "It... isn't important right now. Shouldn't we be heading to our classes? I think the teachers will be pretty mad if we don't.. You know.." Their act started to fail, they scratched their head. I went through my pockets, looking for a piece of paper, I sadly couldn't find it. Crap, thought I put paper in my pocket. "Okay, but next time promise me this. Don't do anything stupid, and get me involved if it involves Ivy or Michi. If I'm not available, get Garroth. Heck, Even Dante. Just, someone you know will take your side."

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