(Act 2 - Chapter 3) First Action

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With the New Republic Army set for war, Adam and his Commanders boarded the docked Star Destroyer. Once inside, Adam and his team made their way to the Bridge.

They soon walked in as Naval Officers of both Clone and Human salute him, Adam motion them to relax.

Adam: "Are the fleet in order?" he asked.

The Human Naval Officer nods in confirmation, he then opens a Diagram of the fleet.

HN Officer I: "We currently have Us, three Nebula's, two Acclamator II's, an Endurance-class Carrier, and several C90 Escort ships" he says.

Limb turns to Adam once the Officer was finished.

Limb: "So these are the only ships we can muster, much of the fleet are currently patroling or attacking other positions" he says.

Adam only smiles as he leans forward, looking at the fleet with glee.

Adam: "This is good enough, the Delta can take the punch as much as dishing it, the current size of the Blockade is a single Assertor-class Dreadnought, few Imperial-class Star Destroyers, few Victory I-class Destroyers and Enforcer-class Picket Cruisers" he says.

He then change the map to plan their strategy, soon Adam's smaller fleet is shown in Blue while the Imperium are shown in Red.

Limb steps forward, clearing his throat as points to four of the Blue Ships.

Limb: "We can have the Grand Delta and our three Star Destroyers jump into the system, attacking the Cruisers and Star Destroyers. Then Adam and Sector's Squadrons will escort Jack's K-Wing Assault Crafts to destroy the Dreadnought's bridge" he says.

He then changes the map onto the ground, showing multiple targets between Mos Eisley and Jabba's old Palace. He then points to Jabba's Palace, turning to Adam and the others.

Limb: "Once the Dreadnought and the Escort fleet is out, the Acclamators will move in and bombard Jabba's old Palace, which they are using as a Fort. As they pound the base, the Adam's Army will land in Mos Eisley. Secure the city and Secure the first Victory" he says.

Adam turns to Sector and Jack, curious of their opinion to the idea.

Adam: "So, what do you boys think? Because I can see this work out" he says.

Sector and Jack think for a moment, they then look to each other and nodded in agreement. Adam then turns to Limb, nodding to him.

Adam: "Well, we're all in agreement, it's time to start the fight" he says as he puts on his helmet.

Grand Delta began lifting off the Dockyard, hovering for a moment as the other ships in the fleet rises. The fleet soon flew out of Coruscant's Dockyards, heading into the Planet's orbit.

Once in orbit, Adam watched as several other Fleets jumped to other planets to deal with the Imperium Threat. Soon the hyperspace stream fills the viewport as his ship jumps, the other ships in the fleet soon join after.


After some time, Adam's fleet soon arrive to see a small fleet of Imperium ships in Tatooine's atmosphere. Adam turns to Sector and Jack, nodding to them as they both leave the Bridge. He then turns to Limb.

Adam: "Alright, you're gonna play Admiral for me. I'm trusting you since you made this plan, please be careful" he says.

Limb: "Don't worry, sir, I've studied Mandalorian Tactics since I was in the pod" he says proudly.

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