(Act 2 - Chapter 9) Return to Yavin IV

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After the attack, Rancor's warship broke off from the rest of the fleet. He soon arrives to above Yavin IV, a planet New Republic and Rancor's Imperium fought over a year ago.

As his ship settles in orbit, several IDT dropships land near the Temple used by the Rebellion. Once the Stormtroopers secure it, Rancor walks out as he holds onto Noda's arm.

Soon another Dropship lands as a group of men walks out, the hooded figure turns to the Rancor. The Sith bows as the figure then turn to Noda, smiling as he sees her.

???: "So, this is the girl that will attract him?" he asked.

Rancor nods as the figure smiles, he then motions the Stormtroopers. They grab her and drag her away, the Figure soon turn back to Rancor.

???: "You have done well, my Apprentice, now we must see if he's what you say he is" he says.

Rancor smiles as he looks back up to his master, standing as he looks outside.

Rancor: "He'll come, because if he didn't, we can kill her" he says.


In orbit, the Grand Delta jumps out of Hyperspace as it rages towards the Moon.

Inside, Adam watched as the ship come towards a fleet of Strike-class Cruisers and a single Aggressor-class Battleship. He then notices a massive moblie station, which acts as a Command Center for his enemies.

As he watched, several Victory II-class Star Destroyers appear near the fleet. Increasing the size, they soon notice Adam's ship. The Star Destroyers stayed behind as the Strike Cruisers come at them, along with the TIE Fighters that took off from the Station.

Adam turns to his Naval Officer, he then turns back to the fleet as they began firing at his ship.

Adam: "How much can the shields hold?" he asked.

The Officer turns to him in shock, hoping his General wasn't playing with him.

HN Officer: "What do you mean?!" he questioned

Adam turns to snaps his head to him, his anger covered by the visor of his helmet.

Adam: "How much can the shields hold? How many guns can we use to destroy them!" he yells

HN Officer: "The shields can hold for about an hour, all of our guns and torpedoes can do it, but we need the rest of the fleet" he says.

Adam turns back to the enemy fleet as they drew closer, he thinks for a moment as the ship shakes. He then sighs in frustration and looks to the planet, his beloved is in that moon and he knows it. He turns to the Officer and points to the Moon.

Adam: "Get around the Gas Planet, we'll come from behind. Have the troops land at the coordinates, then back away. Then contact Ackbar and Skywalker, we need a larger fleet to handle the blockade" he commanded.

The Officer stood shock to his orders, but then nodded in agreement. Soon the Valiant Star Destroyer back off from attack, turning away from the defending fleet.

Once far enough, the ship then turns back and heads to the Yavin's Gas Planet. Hiding near its orbit as the ship passes the blockade, sneaking undetected from the fleet.


Once they passed the Blockade, Adam and Limb took several gunships along with a single T4-b Heavy Tank and two HTT-26 Heavy Transports. After dropping the landing force, the Grand Delta soon turns and heads to the edge of the system.

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