Chapter 2, the new world

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Shuya's Pov

I decided to not get lazy, so I got up and looked for food and shelter, because duh, that's first thing you'll need to look for. My guess is Ishiya is okay, he's well, quite strong. Stronger than me, I suppose...

Anywho back to my journey, I kept walking and I seem to have found a tree with what looks like to be apples growing on it, I walk to the tree and by golly, they were apples. I picked 2 and ate one, saving the other one for later.

I walked around more and found this town. It was like Tokyo but like, with no skyscrapers and cars. There is technology but it's far different than what I remember, it was like, there were phones and crap but more advanced than the ones at home... Or is this the future? I walked to the town and I kept looking around.

There are tons of furs living here, nice observation captain obvious. I don't know what I have for currency but hell where am I gonna stay? I walked to the central area which looks like to be a park, in which it indeed was.

I walked inside the park and sat in a bench, I sighed and thought 'Where the frick am I gonna stay?' I sighed again and saw a quite cute sergal walk towards me. "Hey there, you seem new here." How did he know? I nodded to him, b I had a creeped out face, because how would he know that I'm new here, I didn't see him when I walked around. Hmm.

"Oh, well, don't be creeped out, I just haven't seen your face here in this town before. I just assumed you were new." Okay okay, I believe him. I smiled softly and just stayed quiet. "Hey, what's your name?" And my silence is broken... "M-my name is Ishiya."

I wasn't good with socialization, I just keep stuttering and stuff. "Oh, that's a nice name, my name is Kensa. Nice to meet you." He held out his paw to shake mine, I gladly shook it. "Nice to meet you too."  I smiled and remembered the problem at hand. I sighed again and Kensa looked at me.

"Hey is something wrong?" I shook my head as in a no but he wanted a answer. "Please tell me, I'm dying to help you. Even though we aren't friends... Yet. I still want to help as a local civilian." His kindness made me blush a tiny bit and he giggled. "F-fine I'll tell you."

One long story later

"So you're saying you found that ring and popped up here, now you don't know where to stay?" I nodded "Well, that's how you put it in short terms." I giggled. "Sorry for giving a longer story." "Nah it's fine."

Kensa seemed super cute after knowing him for a bit. But I admired his muscularity. But hats not the point, w-wait, I'm not gay! Wait, this is a adventure novel not a romance! Ahhhhh!

"Well then, you can stay with me! Just, don't kill me. Hehehe." He made a joke out of it, silly. I giggled and smiled. "Nah, I wouldn't try and kill a friend." I hugged him and giggled more. He blushed and smiled. "F-friend?" I nodded, "Dang, I have plenty of friends, but I never made one this quickly."

I giggled and he brought me to his place, but what I didn't realize at the start. I literally only had underwear on, but everyone assumed they were shorts. I looked in the mirror and I yell "WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?!" Damnit admin, you should've put that in the beginning of the book!

Kensa came running in "wait, those are underwear?!" I nodded and covered myself with the shower curtains. Kensa ran to his room and grabbed whatever clothes he could find, while blushing. He out them on the counter and closed the bathroom door.

I looked at the pile of clothes and there was underwear there too, but with a note. "Hey, shower please, you might stink soon, so I grabbed a full set of clothes for you. <3" But I realized he put a heart at the end of the note, probably nothing.

I took a shower and put the clothes on, the only thing is, why couldn't I take the ring off? It looks like it's in perfect shape to be taken off and put back on constantly. "The hell." I ignored it and walked out.

I saw Kensa looking at me and blushing. "Why are you blushing?" He smiled and said "because you look super cute~" I blushed a lot and he giggled. I only had a tang top, and shorts on.

Anyways, night came and we had a little argument. "Why don't you sleep on the bed?" I shook my head and he sighed "No, you sleep on the bed!" I said to him and he shook his head. It's like this is the funny argument you'd go back to in the future and laugh at.

We came to an agreement that we'll both sleep on the bed, but we didn't realize that we'll literally be next to each other in our underwear. We both went to sleep, but before we physically went to bed. "Goodnight" Kensa said, I blushed and hugged him tightly. "Thank you." He blushed and said "you're welcome." We then both went to bed.

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