The First Impressions

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**Vi's POV**

I shuffled into the empty hallways of this so called 'highschool'. I was forced to come to this place as a sort of community service. Great, cause a little trouble punch the wrong people and wam I'm in highschool. That's karma for you. I mean, Why they forced me to come here was beyond me. I mean I don't need extra training, I HAVE NO COMPETITION.

I strutted to my locker with confidence, yes I had been here before. I was forced to help to clean up the hallways in preparation for the opening of this place. For guess what, community service, to be honest I prefer jail. Most people would say the opposite but when I was in jail at least I got free food plus there was a the most beautiful brunette. Wait what?

Being the lovely pitloveans they are hey lectured me and made me memorise the whole map of the school, including my locker combination, locker whereabouts and my schedule for the day and of course my dorm location- bloody hell.

I turned the corner and located my locker. After finishing packing my books away, I had a glimpse at the time. God still almost 1 hour until school starts. I sighed in frustration and began to close my eyes, might as well take a nap.

-poke -poke

I woke up with a start, what the hell was that. I glanced at the metal boots in front of me and was unamused by the sight. Some punk ass dude with a weird gun thing on his back. I close my eyes again, probably just some dork.

-poke -poke

I opened my eyes, and glared at him, only to be returned with a happy smile. God this dude is annoying. "Excuse me, miss ......?" He questioned leaving a silence for my to say my name. I mentally groaned as if I'm gonna tell him my name. "Well anyway, the names Jayce and if you could please move so I could access my locker".

I mumbled what resembled an okay and stalked off, to the location of my first class. On the way to my class, I passed some fish thing. Half fish half girl, she really needed to cover up, she didn't even have any clothes on, just some leaves. I shook my head at the type of people they let into this place. Wasn't it meant to be extra training to prepare for the real stuff- league of legends?

I stopped outside my first class - weaponry. To my surprise I found someone waiting outside. I couldn't stop staring, she was beautiful, she had long waist length brown, chocolate brown eyes that held warmth but also intelligence and curiosity. She held herself in a confident manner as if to say, yes I am superior. Then it hit me where I'd seen her before. She was the beaut... NVM, she was the one who delivered my food when I was in jail, she never bothered to look at me back then, so I hoped she wouldn't recognise me.

I snapped out of my trance when I heard her clear her throat. I realised she had caught my staring and panicked a little bit. "What?" I demanded in the coldest tone I could muster. She raised her eyebrows and in a elegant slight English accent voice she said "It's pretty weird for a person to stare at a stranger, normal people would find that creepy". She smirked and left me a little shocked, daym she is feisty, Her smirk dropped and was replaced with a frown when I quickly recovered- trying to sound as mean as I can "Well I normally don't see freaks like you around, Sorry,".

Apart from catching her name when Professor Ziliean called the roll, I spent the rest of the lesson trying not to stare at her, I did everything to take my mind off her. Cait, Caitlyn, Caity, Cupcake. I almost smiled at my nicknames for her- ALMOST. The punk named Jack or was it Jace was helping, I swear he was about to pass out from all the talking he's doing. I don't think he's even paused once. I didn't mind to but though because he was distracting me from my cupcake I mean Caitlyn, "So what's your name?" he questioned after he stopped chatting on about how he made his Mercury Hammar. "Vi" I replied. At the sound of my name Caitlyn turned around she gasped when our eyes met. Our eyes locked and as cheasy as it sounds I couldn't look away, her brown eyes burned deep into my soul and I just hoped she liked what she saw. I swear I heard Jayce say something but I didn't want to ruin the moment so I just said "Yea Yea, Alright Whatever,". My cupcake blushed and looked down, I didn't miss the sad look on her face. My heart clenched I can't have her sad, I wander what happened? Dammit, I'm turning soft.

A sudden warmth over my hand, made me swing my head around to find Jayce smilng happily. WHAT THE HELL? I grabbed my hand back as if I had been burned, Jayce didn't even seem to notice he was too busy smiling at me. Jerk. The bell rang and everyone filed out, just before Jayce left he called out to me so see you at 6 tonight babe. He is a strange one. Wait a minute, babe? What? I looked around and I swear I just saw Caitlyn quickly stalk off, eyes watering. Seeing her sad, well at least I think she was, made a weird pain in my chest arise. I wanted nothing more than to chase after her, and make whatever pain she was feeling go away. But first I had to deal with that Jace prick. Who the hell does he think he is? I am no ones "babe" certainly not his.

Just as I began to walk out of the classroom, Professor Zilean murmered, "Love is like a time bomb, the more you try to escape it, the worse you will be hurt,". "Crazy old fart," I murmered under my breathe. Just as I walked out the door I just heard him say "I heard that,".

The rest of the day I looked around for Cait, she was like a ghost everytime I caught a glimpse of her she'd dissapear. I could tell she was avoiding me. Guilt filled my entire being. She obviously was interested in Jayce, the look she gave him in class was filled with longing, eny and anger. I wish she had given me a chance to explain. I wasn't even straight and if I was I wouldn't ever go for Jayce. But seeing as she is, it's my duty to protect her and her happiness and if Jayce is the one to give her that then... I'll have to let it be. The next time I see her I'll tell her Jayce is all hers. My cupcake comes first, no matter how much I want her for myself I'll deal with it..

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