Bitter Begingings Cont

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*Hi wonderful reader's I'm not dead heheh, just been derping around*
~Caitlyn's POV~

The door opened and Vi pulled Leona inside. "You have some explaining to do"

I watched as Leona attempted to meet Vi's eye but faltered and looked away. Then it hit me; I knew that look. I had no idea to go about this, I didn't want to crush our friendship but she needed my help. There was no other way.

"Leona, I know you like Diana"

She stood there shocked and Vi mildly surprised."Wow, good job cupcake I guess we're playing match maker now" she grinned.

~Leona's POV~

I let out a sigh of relief, "Yeah, I guess I do like her".
At that Cait smiles "and we are going to help you win her over". What? Has she gone insane, how is she meant to help us well me and Diana. I looked at her questioning her motives.

With a knowing smile Vi speaks up "We can help, after all Caitlyn was pretty similar to Diana when we first met". Say what? "How on earth did you end up together then~ no offence Caitlyn.".

"None taken" she grins. "And it's a long story but all you need to know is that we are here to help. Sit down I have a lot to explain". *I'm going to skip the explanation basically it's just recap of Cait's and Vi's experiences*

After Cait finishes explaining the story, I stand up thinking I should go back to my dorm , back to Diana. "Okay, I better get back to Diana". Vi and Caitlyn share a look before handing me a cupcake and simultaneously saying "Here, eat this it'll make you feel better". What have I got to lose? I take a bite of the cupcake and it tastes strangely sweet but ignore it. I gagged a bit as it burnt my throat oh well must have chilli in it, idk Caitlyn and Vi seem like pretty intense people. I mumble my goodbyes and hurry back to the dorm to find it locked.

I walk back to the door,p room to find it locked."DIIIAAANNNNAAAA, Helloooo?". The door swung open and I saw her in all her perfection standing there. "Oh, Leona Right". I don't know what was wrong with me but for some reason I couldn't control restrain myself she smelled strongly of sandalwood and vanilla and without my permission my own arms betrayed me and huge her tight. I won't say I regretted it because I didn't the feeling of having her in my arms. Then of course because for some reason I don't think I'm fully in control of my body I blurted out "you smell good". Oh god, what have I done!? She's going to think I'm weird.

"Ughh, Leona are you okay?"

Her voice... Sounded so pretty I couldn't help myself . Once again I was hopeless and a stranger in my own body as it blurted out the first thoughts that came to mind."Ughh yea, I couldn't get into the room idk why maybe it was locked *giggles* and then I went back to Cait's and Vi's dorm - oh so that's what their names were- and they gave me special cupcakes, they really burn on the way down"

I let Diana guide my body towards the bed and lay me down (not sexual guys sorry). "Ok, well come on lie down, you better get some sleep... Those must have been some funky cupcakes." I barely caught her saying goodnight Leona as the memory of her sweet voice lullabied me to sleep.

~The Next Morning~
I woke up the next morning my head was spinning a little but I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Before last night, I had been on the fence about liking Diana, I mean she was perfect and all but I was too scared to break whatever small amount of friendship
I had left with her. Talking to Caitlyn and Vi gave me a proper view on where I stand. I had to pursue her, I'd rather have her reject me than spend the rest of my life thinking what could have been. So I am 100% confident in my feelings and I need to pursue them.

After a few minutes of thinking over that in bed I looked around the dorm for Diana, there was no sign of her. *Sigh* "We don't even have classes today, it's the weekend. Where could she possibly be?"

I pulled myself out of the warm comforts of the bed and began to freshen up for the day. ~Skip all the boring what not~
Not knowing what to with myself, I wandered aimlessly around campus not really paying attention to anyone. Until I walked straight into someone.

**Diana's POV**
The moment I woke up I found my eyes drawn to Leona. I dragged my eyes away to look at the clock, much to early for anyone else to be awake perfect. You see I don't like the company of other people, I've learnt through experience that people are twisted, me perhaps the worst of which (and not just because I enjoy being awake before the sun comes up).  It's this time which is my favourite in some ways but in others ways not so much.

Overtime I've learnt that being alone with my thoughts can be a dangerous things, there is this darkness that stains my thoughts and actions, twisting and mutating my thoughts  that sometimes it feels as if I am constantly at battle with myself. But in the end I am toxic, people like me shouldn't have the privilege of being around people like her. People like them. Because in the end no matter how hard I try I ruin them. Little by, little piece by piece, I take parts of them not on purpose but the end result is always the same. I break them.

I shook those thoughts away as I climbed the stairs to the roof of the building,  hint of a smile appeared on my face as I watched the sun rise.  "Ahh, the radiant dawn" . I tried to focus on something more positive and as usual my thoughts wandered to Leona.

There was something about Leona.

Something about the way she smiled, she laughed, just the way she looked at me and gave me the power to feel like I was worth something. Like I could pretend if only for a  moment there was none of this darkness. If I was truthful to myself I'd say I'm scared. Scared to feel fearless, scared to feel light that surrounded Leona, just scared to fall. Am I even worthy of  the happiness that she seems to bring?

Just as the sun began to heat up and burn my eyes I turned away and headed towards the stairs. My eye brows creased as I strode down the stairs and began wandering aimlessly around the corridors.


When I found myself  colliding with a person. After a few seconds of confusion I had found that I had landed smack on the ground. Real elegant Diana. Before a sarcastic and snide comment could form I found myself staring at an outstretched hand. I blinked a couple times to make sure it was really Leona.

"Diana, come on take my hand"
After a bit of reluctance I slipped my hand into hers and she pulled me back up.
"Sorry about that" she spoke once again nervously scratching the back of her head "I wasn't really watching were I was going,".

After a short pause I replied "Eh, that's alright. I better be on my way" as I shuffled nervously not quite knowing what to do under the warmth of her eyes. Suddenly very seriously she looked at me "You know what let's go somewhere, just the two of us. Escape all this for a minute". I stared at her in shock as a light tint of blush began to paint my checks and something told me maybe just this once I should give Leona the time to make me feel the least bit happier. Before I had the time to second guess myself I replied "Yeah actually why not."

***Leona's POV***
My face broke into a grin as I heard Diana agree to hang out with me. I know that she wasn't the most stable person but I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I know she didn't always mean it but she gave out an aura of darkness sometimes, it terrified me slightly that there was that side to her and I wanted nothing more than to gather her in my arms and fight them off for her. I mean I wish I could but something tells me that's not how it is, still doesn't stop me from wanting take it all away or at least some of it. Maybe she didn't want help but for now I'd support her in anyway I could and I know maybe one day she'd grow to like me maybe even love.

I hooked her arm through mine and pulled her along, I had the perfect place in mind.

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