Chapter 2

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***Vi's POV***
The last lesson had finally ended, I don't think I could take anymore botlane lectures by Professor Lucien. I really don't think botlane is my style but again the bloody piltovean officials made me take it 'just in case'. I was about to walk out when Professor Lucien called my name. Oh god what does he want now? I can't be in trouble I half listened this lesson. He better not piss me off I was already in a bad mood from the strange attitude I got from my cupcake, not to mention the douche by the name of Jayce.

"Vi, don't worry you are not in trouble, but I feel as if you are currently having troubles" he questioned with a concern look on his face. An image of Cait instantly popped into my head. Realising my mistake I quickly covered it up "Pshh, No. What do you know old man"
"More than you think. You know you remind me of myself when I was your age," he said looking me directly in the eye. "Yea cause I'm obviously, black and have duel wield pistols, not to mention you're a guy" I scoffed. He rolled his eyes "Not like that, just forget I said it. The important thing is I know how your feeling, don't worry everything will work itself out, you'll get the certain someone you were thinking of."

I walked out, but not before saying a quiet thanks and a whisper of a smile. Maybe boys do know something. Looking at the time I realised it was getting pretty late, I made a quick check around the halls for Cait before giving up and making my way to my room. I had already unpacked my stuff and claimed my bed, I hope my roommate didn't mind. I opened the door to find a strange man in full armour sitting on the opposite bed unpacking what looked like a purple dress. Well at least I think it was a guy, I decided to refer to him as guy just in case. I cleared my throat "Umm hi?, You are.....?"
"Oh umm," He stumbled "Pantheon". He put out his hand and I shook it. "Hi I'm Vi". "Oh okay, I'm just gonna finish unpacking this stuff". I nodded. I didn't mind really, I've always wanted a gay friend. "Sooo.... nice dress you got there" I said smirking. "Oh umm, It's not". I didn't hear the rest of it as I heard someone enter the room. I turned my head and met Caitlyn straight in the eye. Her face heated up with embarrassment, aww my little cupcake. I stared at her unshamfully, she was fresh out of the shower, before realising I only have one roommate and there is both Caitlyn and Pantheon here.

Oh God, there are obviously together. I'm such an idiot, why does she have to be straight, my eyes flicked between the two, confusion probably evident on my features. I felt my heart breaking into small shards, I looked at the ground, not wanting my cupcake to see my face. I knew if I met her eyes, she would know and all hopes of any time with her even if it was just as friends would go away. I heard her voice loud clear and confident "Umm Vi, what are you doing here?". Anger and jealousy rippled through my body, well now cupcake think I'm a creep, she doesn't even want to share a room with me. "Apparently I'm your roommate, I can move if you like" I spat. I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth, guilt rippled through me as Cait took a step back, repulsed. I watched rooted to the spot as tears filled her eyes, and as she gulped them down. I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms and make everything okay, but I stayed still that's not my job it's Patheon's. "Oh no, It's fine, I can help you prepare for your date if you like," she choked out.

I looked up at her confused, whatever makes my cupcake happy, I thought sadly "Oh yeah, right oh that," She must think I'm straight, I think it would make her uncomfortable if she knew, I'll just go along with it "Yeah that would be good thanks,".
She chuckled awkwardly "Yeah let me get changed first,". I continued to stare at the ground fearful on what she might discover if I made I contact, I mumbled a quick response "Of course". Sensing her discomfort, Cait's oh so gracious boyfriend here cleared his throat.
He caught Cait's attention and a look of warning filled her eyes, she must think I feel awk and because I'm the 'third wheel'. Pantheon said his good byes walked out the door . I couldn't help but stare after Cait as realisation dawned on her and she ran over and gave him a hug. Obviously missing him already, just great. As I watched in envy, pondering for a couple of moments what her arms would have felt wrapped around me. I saw her chuckle at something he said and close the door in his face.

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