Mamma Mia here we go again

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"Nico get off of him!" Drew grunts as she tries to hoist me up by my waist. Her arms are locked over my chest, her feet slipping away from the effort. 

"Let go!"

"Get him off of me!" 

"I'm just trying to- ohw!" 

One of Will's kicking legs hits her against the side of her head and she quickly releases me to rub her hand against the sore spot. 


Before Will can get an apology out of his mouth, we're already rolling further over the dirty tiles. It was Piper's job to clean the kitchen this week but at the look of all the sand that's now sticking into Will's blond curls, she clearly skipped her turn. 

"Dude calm down, it's just a sandwich!" Will grabs my arms and forcefully throws me to the side. In just a matter of seconds, he's scrambled on top of me while pinning my wrists together above my head. 

"Let me go!"

I grit my teeth while trying with all my might to wrestle my way out of his hold. My bruises from last night are aching but I ignore the distant pain, much closer is the agonising hurt from inside my chest. Images flood my mind of the last time we sat in a position like this. I close my eyes tightly to force them away, it's the last thing I can use at the moment.

"I'm going to get Percy." Drew says before sprinting out of the room. Will gives her a tiny approving nod without letting his eyes stray from me. 

I ignore the throbbing feeling in my limbs as I keep kicking at Will's back until he moves down to sit on my legs with an angered grunt. A small whimper slips past my lips before I can stop it. Will's eyes seem to bore through my skull as he takes in the features of my face. 

"It's clearly not your first fight," he comments as his eyes flicker to the bruise on my cheekbone. A bit of the heavy weight on my legs lessens as he sits a bit more up. 

"If you look like this," he rotates my purple fingers around in his hand, "Then I don't want to know what the other guy looks like." 

"Shut up!" 

I harshly pull my fingers out of his hands and with one wide spin of my legs, I knock him back to the ground again as I roll over him. 

Our faces are so agonisingly close, I can see the dark blue specks in his eyes, I can count the freckles on his cheeks and the smell of pine trees and wood smoke engulfs me again like a big wave of sadness and twisted familiarity. The corners of my own eyes surely are glistening again with salty memories. It feels as if somebody is slowly sewing a needle back and forth in my heart. Every time I think I've handled the pain, a new stab shreds me back to pieces. He's staring back at me with a perplexed expression, frozen on the floor. He doesn't even try to struggle his way out of my hold anymore. My lungs shrivel up to stone as I keep gasping for air, desperately trying not to drown in the ocean before me. 

I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

"Why did you leave Will, why?!" 

I grab him by his shirt and smash him harshly back against the ground. My eyes are burning as I look at him. I can almost see the colour leave his face as he stares at me in absolute shock. 

"You could have told me, why didn't you tell me?! I could've... I could've..." I swallow away the growing lump in my throat. Tears drip down my cheeks and land on Will's shirt. My hands clench into fist fulls of the fabric, soft and warm against my fingers.  

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