Returning to Thra

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FINALLY!!! After a long painful wait. It finally came, but I had a problem one it was 3:00 in the morning so I had to go to bed and my grandma and I had a plan to watch the show together. So I had to wait to go see her and finally I did we got pizza and went to her room and started the show. And oh my GOD!!!

It was because just looking at the visuals and what they did it was gorgeous and finding out that the Gelfling had 7 clans. The Dousan clan, The Drenchen Clan, The Grottan Clan, The Sifa Clan, The Spriton Clan, The Stonewood Clan, and The Vapra Clan.

Just looking at what they did with the sets and the CGI well for me, I hardly noticed it I guess I was to mind blown with everything and the little kid in me was just excited.

The story is about Rian, Deet and Brea well to be honest I felt like it was mostly about Rian and Deet. Both are supposed to resemble Jen and Kira which you kind of see specially with Rian. But anyway I'll get to what I don't like in a bit. But the story is to stop the Skeksis who just started draining the essence, because they abused the Crystal so much that it won't help Thra.

And to also stop the Darkening from spreading and killing Thra. The come across other Gelfling and a podling name Hup, who SPEAKS ENGLISH!!! I'm not kidding my mind was blown that he spoke English he's also super adorable and he has a spoon.

The series does end on a cliffhanger so hopefully they can make a season two the people have made it Said they have ideas for episodes ready when the get the green light for a second season and more to come. I would like to see more specially after that ending.

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