{Chapter five}

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Third-person POV:

After the events that had unfolded the week prior and the fatigue had worn off, Bakugou had fallen back into his old schedule and Izuku had gone back to the school.

Though the blonde's routine had to change to fit the situation he was in now.

Since he was back in the city where his face was plastered anywhere you could get basic news, he had to be more discreet in the way he moved around.

If he was carelessly walking around, even with a hood on he would immediately stand out.

So in order to hide his identity, he took to another method; disguise.

During their time together the previous week of catching up, Midoriya had brought him more current books of study so he could stay caught up.

He had also gotten him books from the library on anatomy and books that went into deeper detail on fighting techniques to use with different type quirks.

So after the hours spent in his room studying, he got ready to go out and train.

He looked in his closet and pulled out a generic-looking outfit; a grey turtleneck crop top, black skinny jeans, a black knitted cardigan, a black face mask, blue colored contacts, and last but not least he had actually straightened his hair- unlike that trash job Best Jeanist had done- and styled it how he liked it.

It was all in his comfort zone, and his hair- as expected- always went back to normal after a shower.

He walked the streets and nobody would ever even question his appearance, much to his enjoyment.

After a bit of research online, he found a target practice facility where he could continue to improve and perfect his quirk.

Even though it wasn't as good as his time away, it still helped him in the ways he needed.

Wake up, study, train, eat, sleep, repeat; this was his schedule, including the days he would get to see Izuku.

They couldn't see each other every weekend because someone would surely notice a pattern in his absence, and not during the week because of the heightened security measures the school had put into place, so every so often they would hang out and catch up on a weekend.

For months, this was their norm.

And Bakugou was getting used to lying low and into the swing of things, but when he finally settled down into a consistent way of doing things he decided to add something new into the mix.

Since he was a bit more tech-savvy than others and he bought an old computer and set up a hot spot, then logged into the dark web.(A/N: And this gay fanfic was sponsored by nord vpn- jkjkjk)

He looked for a bit and then typed something into the search bar, continuing to skim over everything carefully.

He was looking for an application to 'jobs' available near him.

It was nothing too extreme like bombing or assassinations or anything like that, as he had already been warned by his boyfriend that if he did he would be in trouble.

He was looking for jobs from underground organizations doing work for the greater good, like Robin hood programs that take from the top one percent and give to the needy.

He had done a bit of scrolling and eventually found a page looking for someone to help with a break-in.

The job was to break into some rich person's house and steal their bank information and any cash currently in the house.

All he would have to do was wait for the organization to cut the security system and cameras, then he would sneak in and get the goods and exit as quickly as he came.

It was planned to go down when the owner was away, so it sounded easy, but you still had to factor in that there might be someone watching the house for the person, and how you cover your tracks.

Still, it seemed like an easy enough task that didn't involve anything morally wrong.

He had a week to prepare, and he put himself through extensive training to ready himself for whatever might have happened.

He wouldn't kill unless his life was threatened, he would only take what the organization needed him to, nothing for himself, and if anything went unaccording to plan he needed to report to them immediately and then ditch.

After he was given all the knowledge required over the computer, he wrote it down and then discarded it.

The day before he needed to go to a disclosed meeting place to pick up the gear he needed to have including a disguise, a communication device, and a last-ditch emergency weapon, which was a portable taser.

It seemed pretty useless to him, but he knew that if something went wrong it would be necessary.

He didn't have to do that until the next week though, so he had plenty of time to get himself in order.

He called Izuku and briefed him on what was going to happen, and after a motherly lecture, a million questions about safety, and countless reassurances that the money would be used towards a good cause, his boyfriend was satisfied and after a few 'I love yous' they hung up.

All he did for the rest of the week was train his agility and combat, study, call Deku, and check in with the organization to make sure nothing had changed.

By that Friday he was ready to go pick up what he needed and was ready for whatever the mission held in store.

(A/N: This will be edited more thoroughly at a later date, author is tired, school succs

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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