Dreamscape 1/4

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Welcome, to a glimpse into your future. We provide the path— it's up to you to take the first step. DREAMSCAPE; soon to be your reality. Welcome, to a glimpse...

Bradley walked past the holographic image of Anne Hathaway greeting him at the front of the spaceship-like arena. He took in the futuristic, clean details, admiring the craftsmanship. "Mr. Cooper, welcome!" A southern accent greeted him, pulling his focus. An teenage looking, broadway-hopeful eagerly skipped over.

A bit of a skeptic, Bradley shook the chipper man's hand, "Hi, um..." He continued to take in his surroundings. Bradley had been in a slump for over a year. He popped out two hit movies in record time and yet never felt more alone or miserable. Sleep, work, sleep, work, a monotonous circle. His manager suggested he try the latest trend among celebrities, soon to hit mainstream humanity; Dreamscape, a peak into your future. "...this truly is...something"

"Yes, we truly are living in the future, well almost, haha! You've already filled out the preliminary documents and had your medical exams, so follow me." The man led him to a private, sterile room with harsh florescent lighting. "Come on in, sit-sit. So, here at Dreamscape, we're here to tap into that funny little thing called your subconscience. And the closest thing scientists have come to help understand the complex beast that we all carry, our dreams. Have you ever had a lucid dream, Mr. Cooper?"

Bradley tried to follow along with the quick talking kid. He immediately regrets taking his mangers advice, but he already booked him his appointment and he didn't have Lea this week, so he thought oh, what the hell. Now he's thinking, what the hell?! "N-no, I don't think so. I never really remember my dreams."

"Most of us don't! This is like a lucid dream. It's a dream, a premonition, but you are aware of your surroundings, you can make choices, it feels real, in a sense it is real. Now, with our little cocktail serum, we'll tap into your subconscience and extract the truth of your future reality. Isn't that exciting! Is this makin' any sense to you?"

Bradley rubbed at his neck. He looked at the funny looking room and the clown-like human in front of him. "Honestly, no."

"Our specialists here at Dreamscape have created a way to fast forward to the future, giving you a preview of what's to come... see what I did? I put it in movie terms so you'll understand." He slaps his knee laughing, pushing Bradley back into the hi-tech chair. "Now, here are some quick rules as I apply the serum and tuck you in. One, you will not recognize the world you are living in, so keep things vague, don't commit to something you can't commit too. Two, if you feel the world around you is catching on, blame it on being tired, or find away to be alone. And lastly, if you need to leave give your smart watch 5 taps."

Bradley started to feel sleepy, listening to the red-headed boy, "OH also, play along! This shouldn't be too hard, haha! You cannot reveal you are from the past, that only will confuse your world. If things get to muddled, the world will kick you out on it's own, game over. Have fun! This is quite the experience. I can't tell you how many people come out disappointed and miserable... " Bradley's eyelids felt like a thousand pounds as he finally shut them.

Black. Silence. Nothingness.

Bradley opens his eyes to reveal himself looking at his own reflection in a bathroom mirror. "Great, in the future, I will be confined to a bathroom for all eternity." Bradley walks around, getting his bearings. He looks at this hands, touching the counter top, everything feels real. "This is actually kind of cool." He hears people outside the door, lots of people, a party perhaps. "Ok, Bradley, play along, be vague, look around, find out how many Guardians of the Galaxy's there are and get out" He splashes his face with cold water then opens the door.

"Bradley, my man! Dinner is almost ready, come have a cigar with me before we sit down." Bradley fist bumps his friend Freddy. The two went to the back yard of Freddy's house, "Man, I'm happy you are back....selfishly, I'm just happy you're back in time for football season!" The two laugh.

"Dude, I know! It's been too long..." Bradley is happy to see his friend. In his current life he also hadn't seen Freddy in a couple years because of work, so it felt very honest. He was happy to know he reconnected with his old friend. They lit their cigars.

Freddy spit out some cigar pieces, "It's been like 3 weeks, right? So how was Africa?"

Well, I've never been to Africa Freddy, so... tap out, tap out... no ok, be vague, play along. "It was amazing. I'm exhausted still." He lied but figured that would make the most sense, Bradley rationalized while lighting his cigar. 

'Yea, I bet, I mean you just got in today, I was surprised you even came. You look good. Still ugly as all hell, but good" Bradley punched his friends arm. The guys continue to chat, Bradley finding it easy yet exhausting to lie. Bradley makes a not to call Freddy and catch up soon once he finished this experience.

"So, what? Am I still invited over here for game day?" Bradley puffed on his cigar taking in the ease of his 'future'.

"What? Fuck no! I'm coming over to your sweet place like last year. Ok, tell me about this movie in the Sahara." Freddy waited patiently, blowing smoke into the wind.

Tap out, tap out... Bradley smiled at his old friend as he went to reach for his watch, that was until he heard, "Baby?" Bradley slowly turned to see her swaying through the glass doors, past the patio and onto the grass where the guys hid in the dark of night; her silver blonde hair lighting the way. She bent at the waist coming face to face with him. His heart stopped beating the moment he heard her voice, his eyes refused to blink at the vision before him. "There you are." She leaned in and comfortably pecked his lips, his lips barely meeting hers. "I was afraid you fell asleep on me."

"Nope, I got him, Stef. My boy's a champ." Freddy winked at Bradley.

She laughs, not looking at Freddy just studying Bradley while rubbing his cheek. Bradley's hand falls from his watch. "You ok?"

"Guys, dinner!" Sarah, Freddy's wife yells from inside the home. Freddy hops up, extinguishing his cigar for later and heading towards the patio.

"Come on, big guy." She reached her hand out, her left hand. Still unable to breathe, Bradley looks down at her out stretched hand. A large diamond and band shine in the moonlight. He takes it the delicate yet strong hand and stands up, putting out his cigar and leaving it behind.

"Stefani..." Bradley musters out as if it were his last breath.

Gaga rubs her hands over his chest as he finds the strength to grab her elbows. "I'm so glad you're back, honey."

"Me, too." Bradley says in all honesty for the first time that night. 

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