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Bradley couldn't take his eyes off her. The dinner unfolds almost as if in slow motion. Some of his closest friends complete the table— smiling, eating, talking. He lands on her, the only true love of his life throwing her head back laughing and stealing glances at him. It wasn't until he felt her hand scratch the nape of his neck that he woke from his trance. "Hi, honey. Tired?" He hadn't seen or heard from her in years. Their current or past or whatever timeline they were in came to a halt after all the dust from A Star Is Born settled; when he left Irina and when she started dating Dan. She was by his side 24/7 and then she wasn't, just like that. He could smell the food. His sensed were so real, her touch so soft, he couldn't believe the world he was sitting in, that after all this time she finally was talking to him. Wait, talking to him, she asked him a question, oh shit...

"I'm fine. Not hungry." She looked at him shocked and placed her hand on his forehead, causing him to laugh and relax a little.

"Well, that's a first. Are you feeling ok?" The table erupted in laughter. She pulled him in for a hug, rubbing his back, whispering, "I'm kidding. We'll leave after dinner. Everyone knows you've had a long day. It's ok." She continued to talk to their friends. He felt happier than he's possibly ever felt. He suddenly was hungry, very hungry and ate his entire dinner and then Stefani's.

"Are you sure you can't stay for games?" Sarah held Stefani tight.

"Next time, I promise! He's tired. It's been a long day."

"Sunday. Don't forget!" Freddy high-fives Bradley. They say their goodbyes and head to the car.

Bradley beeps the car keys in his pocket to immediately figure out which one is theirs. He taps 'home' in the navigation. "You ok to drive? I don't mind-" Sh politely asks.

"I'm good, I just like seeing the path, that's all." He gives her a smile, hoping she buys it. She does. "I'm sorry we left early, we can stay or-"

"No way. We'll see them all the time. I haven't seen you in weeks, baby" She rubs his thigh. He almost loses it. He speeds home. "Slow down cowboy." Her hands on him make him giddy with happiness. It was years since he felt the affection that only she could give. He wanted to get home and hold her close and never let her go. "Well, I'm glad you saved a little energy for me. Tonight's about you." Her hand slides up his leg.

You have arrived at your destination

Bradley is glued to Stefani the moment she punches in the code to open the door. Bradley was slightly worried he wouldn't be able to smoothly find their bedroom, but he soon realized that was not his biggest concern.

"Hi Mrs. C!" A pair of magnified, purple brimmed glasses stared back at him. "Welcome back, Mr. C!"

Be cool Bradley, play along. "Heeeey"

"Hey sweetie! Let me look at you, no bruises, no stains?" The two women laugh. Bradley makes himself invisible by walking around, avoiding the stranger. He lands on a photo of them on their wedding day; black and white, he is smiling ear to ear, eyes shut, leaning into her neck, she is laughing out, squeezing her eyes closed. Bradley smiles at the day he doesn't remember but perfectly remembers the type of feeling that could provoke this kind of happiness. He remembers days of preparing for their film, and hours of them talking and laughing and how comfortable their relationship was.

"So, everything was ok?" Bradley tunes back in as Stefani continues her chat. "No issues?"

"Nope, perfect little angels." The young girl assured. Bradley doesn't remember Gaga ever needing a sitter for the dogs.

"Ha! You know I'm paying you whether you lie to me or not, right?" Stefani grabs her phone to pay her.

"No,no! I swear. Bash was a little hard to put down but everything was fine."

"I bet, well he is his father's son." Gaga glances at Bradley briefly. Bradley's heart stopped for the second time that night. He looked around the room and landed on scribbled drawings on the fridge. Then next to their record collection, a stack of kids books. He looked at his priceless art that he imagines they picked out together and land on tiny ceramic feet imprints nearby. His eyes immediately filled with tears.

"Ok, I just sent you money." Gaga finished clicking through her phone.

"Awesome! Thanks, Mrs. C! My Uber is here. Let me know if you need me! Goodnight! Bye Mr. C!"

"Bye..." His hand cupped his mouth to stop whatever noise was threatening to come out. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him.

"Welcome home, baby." She kissed his back. "I'm going to check on the kids, then i'll put you to sleep, ok?" She squeezed his behind and walked upstairs. He wanted to see them but felt incredibly overwhelmed. Bradley waits until she is upstairs to follow her. He peaks in a few rooms and is happy to find theirs was one of the first ones.

This is way too much. Kids? I have no recollection of anything, is this real? I just a stomach full of anxiety, will I love them, how did this happen, when did this happen, did that guy say this was a dream or actually the future ...Bradley reaches for his watch. He looks up and sees her leaning against the doorframe. "You want to go to sleep?" Calmness immediately washes over him, he shakes his head no. She unzips her dress, letting it drop to the floor. She step out of it and saunters over, pushing him on to the bed. "No? Then what do you want?" Bradley reaches his hand to caress her outer thigh. He knows he should leave this world, it already feels too painful to continue and too confusing. But her eyes. He missed them so much that, in that moment, he felt he could live in this world forever.

"I want you." He responds honestly.  She moved to stand between his legs, bending to kiss him deeply. The kiss was a lovers kiss, one he'd always hoped to share with her. A kiss that while filming so many years ago almost felt too real in the moment. A kiss they stole from each other while committed to other people. A kiss he craved after realizing they would never be together.  He moves his hand between her legs, but she catches it.

"Tonight's about you, baby. Plus, you need sleep. So let go, ok?" She pushes him to lean back on his elbows as she makes her way to her knees. Bradley watches her rub his thighs and land on his belt. He gulps. She unbuckles, unbuttons and unzips his jeans. He's harder than he's ever been before. He wants her, all of her but feels himself actually incredibly exhausted. As she touches him through his boxers, aside from the incredible sensation, he noticed the change of color in the room. She frees him of his confines and grabs his large length with her small hands. The coloring around him begins to fade. Bradley's eyes roll back at the feeling but struggles to see properly. "I missed you so much"

"I missed you, too..." As she went to continue her movements, the feeling went away and his vision went white.

WARNING: This portion of the simulation has been censored for the safety and protection of the individuals involved. Consider this a first warning. A second interaction will result in the removal from simulation. 

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