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Hello guys! I have a new Fanfic, the title is Hooked. Give it a try? 🥺

Here's your update btw 😊

"Who killed her?" Chaeyoung asked Lisa while still watching the news about Yeri's death

"No idea but I swear Chaeyoung, I didn't do it"

"I believe you." Then Chaeyoung's phone ring Jennie is calling her.

Chaeyoung sighs and answered i "I didn't do it Chaeyoung immediately said, Lisa didn't do it. I don't know Jennie, lets eat somewhere don't go here and check Jisoo and Sana so they won't suspect you"

"Jennie said she didn't do it, look Wendy send me a message including Dahyun"

"Jisoo killed her"

"How did you know that?" Chaeyoung asked

"She's the only person I could think of, Yeri is investigating everyone I can't tell that she found out that Jisoo killed Joy.

"You have a point Lisa, but we don't know yet"

"Let's go now?" Lisa asked

Chaeyoung nod and went to their office.


Lisa's office

Lisa is quite busy...

busy playing township feeding her animals and doing some farming she didn't even notice that the door was open and Irene is looking at her smiling from ear to ear seeing Lisa being so cute. "Can she be like this always? Happy kid Lisa that worrying about her farm game?"

"Did you feed the pigs?" Irene asked.

"Oh yeah, I need bacon for my customer" Lisa said and continue playing, then she realized she's talking to someone, she lift her head and saw Irene. She immediately smiled and put down her phone and gave her fiancé a warm hug.

"Omg, you're here. I missed you so so bad baby" Lisa kissed her all over her face, forehead, cheeks, nose, lips.

"Gosh, I missed you so bad, Joohyun." Lisa hugged her tightly, while eyes closed, it feels like they got apart for years.

"You look so beautiful, I love your bangs!" Lisa said and hugged her again.

Irene felt safe, she missed Lisa too. She worry about her so much, thank god Chaeyoung is updating her and hearing Lisa breakdown last night she wants to fly from Bali to Korea as fast as she can. She also she heard Yeri is dead but Chae told her that it wasn't Lisa this time.

"I missed you too, gosh I wanna go home now and cuddle with you!" Irene cupped Lisa's face and give her lip a peck. She push Lisa slowly so she could sit on her lap and buried her face to Lisa's chest

"My baby baby baby" Lisa said and hugged her tight. "We can skip work if you want baby" Lisa said and kissed Irene's forehead. "Gosh you look so beautiful the bangs suits you"

"I did for you so we can have matchy matchy" Irene laughed and closed her eyes, smelling Lisa's scent she missed and resting on her. She wants to feel Lisa's skin to her body.

"I'm so in love with you Lisa, I can't wait to fix everything and get married so we can get back to NYC. I know you're tired too"

"Then let me finished it all, so we can leave the past and start out new life again" Lisa said

Irene looked at Lisa, she want to get rid of everything actually, does she wants Jongnam to be dead and everyone. What's happening is getting messier and messier, but thanks to Chaeyoung brilliant mind that Jongnam can't be found that easy and thanks to Irene that all the evidence that will point on them is already erased.

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