Chapter 7

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Marinette woke up just like she always did. Late. She didn't have time to think as she quickly got dressed and grabbed something to eat. She was in her seat a second before the bell went , relief coursing through her veins. As she relaxed she looked forward, expecting to see the familiar head of blond that usually sat in front of her. But it wasn't there. "Alya, where is Adrien?". Did he not come to school because of last night? Does he hate her now? Oh no! What am she going to do?
"Nino told me he's sick", Alya said as if Marinette's friendship wasn't falling apart. "But don't worry, I'm sure he'll be back tomorrow so it won't be long before you'll be back to staring at him", Alya teased.
Meanwhile, Adrien was still laying in bed. Turns out not even being a superhero can stop you from getting a cold if you stay out to long in the middle of the night. Adrien, knowing Marinette would be wondering where he was, hoped she wasn't blaming herself for his absence. He knew she worried a lot and often blamed herself, so he was trying to get better quickly so he could make sure she wasn't stressing over nothing. He'd read stress was bad for pregnant women. After deciding he would text Marinette after he had a nap, Adrien tried to sleep. He could only hope that there wasn't an akuma before he woke up. Plagg wasn't very good at waking him up nicely. With a sigh, Adrien pulled his blankets up higher and tried to stop worrying. Surely he would be able to have a short nap to help him get better with out any problems, right?

Hey, sorry I haven't updated in, well.. forever. I was busy. My dog died and assignments were due. I also had a bit of writers block. I hope you enjoy, if you do don't forget to vote and comment! I'll try to update more often!

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