Chapter 1

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A/N So this is my first story. Please send feed back. Please point out any grammar mistakes because there might be some. Don't forget to vote if you enjoy it!

Marinette/ladybug and Adrien/ chat noir are 16


Marinette's POV.

It had been a mistake. A stupid mistake. Young love at its peak. Who would've thought one little mistake would've landed me in this much shit? Definitely not me.

Chapter 1

That's strange, it thought. I was standing on my scales, checking to see if my new diet and exercise routine was working. Gotta stay fit to be ladybug and save the city over and over again. But instead of seeing a number lower that my usual, I saw a number higher than my usual.

I wonder if I miscalculated something when planning my new diet. I thought back to everything I had eaten recently. Nothing stood out as very unhealthy. Hmmm..... I guess I'll have to go over my exercise routine again.

Over the next couple of weeks my weight continued to go up and pretty soon I could make out a bump on my stomach instead of the usual toned muscle. I was very confused. I made myself follow a very strict diet and exercise routine and my weight was still going up instead of down.

One day I was scrolling through the Ladyblog and I came across a video of Alya explaining some theory she had put together. I didn't think it would mean anything since Alya was always rushing into things without getting evidence first. The video started with recent footage of a fight. It showed ladybug swinging her way across Paris to stop a villain. The footage suddenly came to a stop and a circle formed on ladybug's stomach area. The paused frame went to the corner of the screen and Alya's face came up in the screen. "Do you see that?!!? The little bump on ladybug's abdomen?It looks like a baby bump to me! Is it possible our very own ladybug has gotten knocked up? Could the father be chat noir? Check in later to find out!"

The video ended and I sat frozen in shock. A baby bump? That was impossible, I haven't even done it rece-....Omg. I HAD done it recently. And with chat noir no less! We were out celebrating his and ladybug's victory. We shared a couple of beers and talked. Soon we were both tipsy. Soon after that we both drunk. It had started with some light kisses but soon it got out of hand. I tried to think back to the foggy memory, trying to remember it we had used a condom. I searched through everything I could remember from that night and I don't remember seeing a condom at all! Oh god this couldn't be happening! I couldn't be pregnant! Me and chat didn't even know each other's identities yet! We couldn't have a baby together! I could get an abortion, but that's so cruel! Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't even know if I'm actually pregnant yet, although it would make a lot of sense. Omg, I can't believe this!I could actually be pregnant! I felt bile rushing up my throat and I rushed to the bathroom. I had barely lifted the toilet seat in time before I started hurling my lunch up. I cleaned myself up and sat down on the tile floor. Okay Marinette, calm down. Think. Okay I need to go to the store and get a pregnancy test. I will take the test and figure things out after that. Okay, you can do this!

I grabbed my bag and made my way to the door. I called out to my parents, saying that I was going out for a bit. I speed walked to the store and brought the first pregnancy test I saw. It was a 2 pack. The clerk gave me a weird look but I ignored it. I hid the test in my bag and went home. As soon as I got home, I made a beeline to my room. I went to the bathroom and locked the door. Sitting down on the toilet, I read the instructions. I did what the instructions said and soon I was waiting for 3 minutes to be over. 3 minutes had never gone by so slowly in my entire life! Soon it was time to check what the test said. I hesitantly picked up the test and slowly looked at the result. Positive. I took the second test from the box and took it too. It came up positive too. Oh no. I was pregnant. With chat noir's baby!

Through out all of this chaos, Tikki was peacefully sleeping.

Adrian's POV

I was scrolling through the Ladyblog and I saw a video Alya had posted yesterday. I clicked on it.

When the video was over I was shocked. Ladybug pregnant? Alya had guessed that the father was chat noir, but I was chat noir and the only time I had slept with ladybug was in my dreams. So if I'm not the father, then who was? " kid what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Plagg asked me as he floated up from his cheese that was resting on my desk. I turned to him. " ladybug's pregnant" I replied. "So?" Plagg questioned. "Soooo, ladybug got knocked up by someone that's not me!" I explained to him. "Wow, she cant possibly have slept with someone that's not you," Plagg deadpanned. "You know what I mean" I replied.

No one's POV.

That night neither Marinette nor Adrien slept very well. Each worrying about the same thing- ladybug's pregnancy. Except Marinette was worried about what she would tell everyone when they started noticing her bump. Adrien, however, was worried about who knocked Ladybug up and how they were supposed to fight akuma's if ladybug was pregnant.

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