Chapter Three

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~Niall's POV~

When I open my eyes all I see is white. 

"Am I in Heaven?" I think out loud. 

"Well I would not say so but if you would like to, you may call it that." 

I look over to a tall man in all black. He's gorgeous. The first thing I notice is how green his eyes are, they almost look translucent. His hair is a dark brown that you only see in movies.

"Who are you? and why did you kill me? I saw you before you crashed me and then you ended up in my car." I said confused and angry.

"Niall I need to ask you a question." He avoids my questions.

He's smiling and I don't know why. His smile makes me want to trust him with my life.

"Tell me your name." He says and steps forward a little.

I look in his soft eyes. "As if you don't know! You are the one who killed me!"

He smirks.

Those lips. I have seen this smile before.

"You are right, I do know your name but I wanted you to a sure me. But listen Niall, you do not have much time left. Your soul is dead but your body is still alive. I have some things to show you and you need to do somethings if you want to reunite with your body."

I wonder what is going on. How does he know my name? Why does he seem like someone I should know? Why did he kill me and how could my body still be alive but my soul is dead?

"Its very complicated Niall. But to the mortals you are what they call 'brain dead'".

"So you're a ghost or something? How are you reading my mind like this?"

He step forward and does something with his hand and then Next thing you know we are standing in a park.

"What the hell is this? Please just explain what the hell is going on!" I yell.

I look around and I see my mother and I playing in the park beside my house.

Confused I ask "Is this some way of telling me I messed my life up? That I took my life for grated or something?"

He smiles "Niall It is not like that at all. Niall you were chosen by the almighty powerful Goddess herself. She wants you on her side."

I look around. "Okay.... So why are we here? What does this have to do with things?"

He walks over to my young self and points to the bushes. "In six minutes you lose your ball and go into those bushes. Do you remember what happened when you went in to retrieve it?"

I try to think back. "No." I shake my head.

"Niall  the Goddess was hiding in there watching you. When you went in there she told you something very important. Do you remember what she said to you?"

I look over to the bushes."I-I don't remember." I feel my whole body go stiff and I am paralyzed with fear that seems so unreal when I try to remeber what happened.

"Ah. I see, you were so terrified of what happened this day you must have put up a mental block. But this could mean that she does not think you are ready to fully understand. So this must mean I should get on with things. Niall James Horan, My name is Rephaim. Though down on earth the mortals know me as Harry." He says the last part with full disgust.

As I listen to him I can see two things flash in and out of his face. Pride in his name Rephaim and pain in what humans call him. This makes me wonder why he has two different names.

"Rephaim why am I here? Why was I "chosen" And who is this "Goddess" you keep talking about?"

As I ask these questions he claps his hands and we are in a large beautiful meadow. I am taken away by how beautiful this place is and know that we couldn't be any where on earth.

"Niall, you are here because the Goddess Nefrect has chosen you to be on her side and have a chance and a better, more interesting life." He smiles.

He walks to a big willow tree and craves my name into its bark. I see that there are seven other names carved in. They look old, almost grown over.

I put my hand through my hair. "Sooooo how am I going to have a better life?"

"You will know in just a minute."

He stands up and puts one hand over both of my eyes and I hear him say something I can't make out. A few seconds pass and he uncovers his hand and we are standing in a huge castle like building. Marble pillars standing in the middle of the room and strange paintings all over the walls of people who don't look human.

I didn't notice Rephaim had walked away until he calls my name.

"Niall follow me please. It is not polite to keep a Goddess waiting." 

I follow him down a long dark halfway until he stops in front of two tall red doors.

"I will be waiting outside of these doors waiting upon your return out. There are Three things you should know before you go in there is one, do not speak unless spoken to. Two, always answer with Goddess. As in 'yes Goddess, no Goddess'. Three, you will not misbehave. If you choose to do so then you will be executed on spot. For some reason she picked you, a growing hormonal teen. Do not disappoint my Goddess." He says with so much hate that I know is directed towards me.

I look at him with total confusion. He has a dark look in his eyes that disappears as soon as he notices I was watching. Before I get to ask, he opens both doors, pushes me in forward, closing the doors as soon as I step in without another word.

What I see in front of me makes me wish I really was dead. One thought goes through my head as I look at this scene:

Why am I so willing to go with Rephaim?

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