Chapter Twenty-eight - Sorrow

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Techno's POV

Sitting in front of the man whom i love the most. Heart is writhing in pain while i steadied my emotionless face. Seeing him accusing me of things i didn't really did.

"Why don't you tell me your side, P'No! All what i'm asking is for you to tell me the truth!" Kla's voice raised as he shoved his phone on my hand. While the video of me kissing someone is still playing on it.

His body is shaking terribly as i looked at him with pity.

"As you can see, there's nothing to be explain about. You're just making a fool out of yourself, Ai'Kla." I said without even minding the words i didn't really mean just for the sake of the both of us.

"How can you say that, P'No! I love you! I know that you love me too and there is something wrong in here! Tell me please! Tell me what's wrong! Tell me what's the problem is so that we can find a solution for it together —" Kengkla..

"What's wrong in here is the both of us!" I cut him with the most trenchant word.

His breathing stopped the moment i stated these words. "P-P'No...." Kengkla.

A tear rolled down on his cheeks as he looks like he is about to break down after the world fall on him.

"W-what do you mean, P'No?"

"Let's just stop this foolish act." I said making his world shattered into pieces.

"P'No! What the heck?! Can you stop this childish act? Kengkla is hurting!" Technic said which brought me back into reality.

I am sitting on the edge of my bed with Technic, standing furiously in front of me. I looked upon him and heaved a sigh.

"What do you want, Ai'Nic?"

"The hell, P'?!" Technic.

"That's not how you treat your brother!"

"Well, that's not how you treat your lover too, P'No!" Technic.

"What the  hell is your problem, Ai'Nic?! I had already done doing it!"

"But P'No, i know that you have a proper reason for this! Why did you tell Ai'Kla that you fell out of love for him?!" Technic.

"Shiya, Ai'Nic! Just shut the hell up! And get the heck out of my room, will you?" I said, trying to shut him off because i can't take the pain anymore.

"I'll make sure to find the answer to my own question, P'No." Technic said before he went out of my room.

I hugged my knees as the memories of Kengkla's face flashed on my mind. His Deep red—sad eyes, pointed red nose, and the tears that flowed on his cheeks as he begged me to stop hurting him. It haunts me. Its been a week since the day i broke up with him and i still can't forget his reaction and the words he exactly said.

"P'No, please don't do this! I know you love me! Please! I love you, P'No! Please don't leave me!"

Those words are the most hurtful words that i heard for my entire existence. I took my phone from my bedside table and scrolled on Kengkla's messages for these past few days. It took me a few minutes before i stood up to get my things and go out of my room.

"Where are you going, P'No?" Ai'Nic asked as soon as he saw me walking out of my room.

"We have a practice match." That's all i can say and continously run down the stairs. I caught Technic's suspicious  looks on me but i just ignored him.

I took  a  cab towards our University and went immediately to the locker room  to get my clothes changed. I started to practice all by myself until i felt exhausted just to divert my attention. But everytime i made a score, my thoughts about Kengkla lingers on my mind. His eyes, nose, lips, and even his tears. It all clouded up on my mind. All about him. All about Kengkla. I sat exhaustedly on the field when my energy already left my body. I look at my wrist watch to check the time and it's already 5:42 pm.

I went back to the locker room after a few minutes to get some cold shower before i went to a coffee shop in front of the university.

"I ordered Iced coffee and sat on the exact table where Kengkka and i always sat.

The memories flashed back. Every damn little things about him made me miss him more, want him more. Suddenly, a tear escaped from my eyes when a waiter brought my order as i simply wiped it out.

"Kob khun khrap, P'." I said before i walked out of the coffee shop and went back home.

"Ai'No? What's the matter?" I stopped on the living room because Mae called me.

"Nothing, Mae. I'm just tired. I'll go to bed now, Mae. Good night." I said as i kissed Mae's cheeks and walked up the stairs.

As soon as i arrived at my room, my tears quickly raced down my cheeks because of the pain that stings my heart. I can't take this anymore. I cried out all of my frustrations, guilt, and longing for Kengkla the whole night.

I woke up the next morning feeling so down. Technic only shook his head in dissapointment when he saw me. Probably because of my swollen eyes which resulted from my crying last night. I took my seat when Mae came out from the kitchen.

"Ai'Nic? I heard Kengkla already found a girlfriend, is it true?" I stiffined because of Mae's statement.

"Khrap, Mae." Technic looked at me before answering Mae.

"Oh! I'm so happy for him! How about the two of you? When will i hear that you already have a girlfriend?" Mae.

"Well, Mae. I have a lot of girlfriend. P'No here is the only single." Technis said meaningfully.

"Well, i just hope that you both have a happy family and to atleast let me seea grandchild from you before i die." Mae.

"Mae! What the hell are you talking khrap?! You still have a lot of time remaining!" Technic.

"Well, we don't know when will be our last day so if i were you, i would have already chased the woman i love and bring her home." Mae said while chukling.

In my own situation right now? I don't even know if i can still give you a grandchild, Mae. Khor tod, Mae.


A/n: Sawasdee kha! It's been a long time since i last updated My Nong due to heavy schedule, but here i am again just to give you an update! Please follow me on instagram so that you'll be updated if i am going to update.

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Ps: I'll give you an update when my Instagram account reaches 200 followers so follow me guys!🐽🖤

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