chapter 2 ; lunch

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Was maid sama always on netflix? I guess i didn't notice...

Also sorry for the REALLY long wait, I'm kinda unhappy with this chapter but then I already wrote it so, sorry if it's shitty



Not even a faint chirp could be heard in the dense forest. Dew from its last downpour slowly drains and drips away from each plant, water softly nourishing the soil. A blessing to many of the creatures there, and also, the monsters.

It was cold.

Those without a thick layer of fur were surely vulnerable. Unluckily for them, the sun was not up yet, and it wouldn't be for a while. Children cried, hoping for warmth and from the feeling of hunger, a mother could tell. Even so, it wouldn't be wise to go out hunting at this time, for it's time for them.

Even in hiding, no one was safe.

They howled, causing most to quiver in fear. They came in groups, and tore everything that was in their way with their sharp claws. They were monsters.

And they were hungry.

- - -


The 2-pound steak softly lands on the charcoal colored grill. The sound of the first layer cooking makes [f/n] stares at it with hidden hunger. It was lunchtime, but she wasn't allowed to get off work yet.

Just one more hour.

Her stomach threatened to growl, but she somehow controlled it. The chef sweatdrops at your behavior. He continued to stir the pot of soup carefully, as he believed that each action mattered. He was passionate about his food.

"Um... [l/n]-san, would you like to handle the soup instead?"


The maid's immediate response causes the chef to chuckle. He shrugged. If she wanted to keep making herself suffer before lunch break, then so be it.

The chime at the cafe's entrance continues to ring, and many of the maids hurry to greet and help the customers get to their tables. Soon the paper orders arrive, and some maids shout out their orders. [F/n] and the chef work together to finish these dishes. Though the the [h/c]-haired girl worked harder, hoping time would fly faster.

- - -

"Thank you for coming!"

You watched through the order window as the maids bowed for the customer's departure. The door closes and you sigh in relief. Many of the customers had left already, and now the maid cafe could relax. Your [e/c] orbs glanced at the pink wall clock decorated with ribbons. Eyes light up in realization and you run to the back, hands already on the buttons and zippers of your uniform.

As you entered the locker room, your form zips past other maids, surprising them as they changed. It was all a blur, but [f/n] threw off her uniform and changed into a plain tee tucked into striped slacks, and on top a comfy denim jacket. You kept your white knee-length socks and black boots on. [F/n] slides her pocket-sized wallet and her flip phone into her denim jacket, and straps a watch on her left wrist. She looks at a mirror, and puts her hair up into a ponytail.

She clocks out with her timecard, ending her shift exactly at 1:00 pm. Her eyes looked at this week's schedule and saw that she was done with work for today. A smile forms, and she wondered if she could make plans for herself tonight. Her impatient stomach interrupts her thoughts.

The girl starts walking out the cafe with hands in the pockets of her striped slacks. A cold wind kisses her cheeks, the pleasant feeling going throughout her body. This was what freedom felt like.

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