I hate Tics

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Peter has tics just so you know Nice! Flash

As Peter walked into school that morning he knew it was going to be a bad day because of his Tics.

"Its a Trap" he yelled "Sorry it was a tic"

He jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder before turning to see Flash standing there worried
"Are you alright Peter"

"Yeah just Tics are really annoying" "fuck off it's a trap"

"Sorry my tics are just the worst"

"It doesnt matter they make you you Peter also they are pretty funny at times" Flash deadpanned

"Peter" two voices called "come here"

"Its a LIE" Peter yelled before running over to MJ and Ned excitedly "what's up guys"

"Ned has the new LEGO Death Star and he wont stop talking about it" MJ told Peter

"Cool Man, Fuck off, how many pieces"

"3,803, wanna build it with me"

"NO... yes sorry that was a tic I wanna do this "
Time skip to the next lesson because I'm lazy

"Today we are learning about Neurological Disorders can anyone tell me about one" Mr Parsons asked the class

Peter sheepishly raised his hand "Tourettes is a Neurological disorder, Shut Up , and it can be Verbal and Non Verbal tics"

"Well done Peter also see me after class"

After class Peter walked up to Mr Parsons desk where he was met with a stern gaze

"Peter why did you tell shut up"

"Sorry, I'm Gay, Sir I have Tics Im sorry if you didnt know"

"Oh alright then"

"I hate tics they are the worst"

These are based of off my Tics that I say a lot sorry about the bad language :)

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