Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Michael's P.O.V~

Hi, my name is Michael Clifford. I'm 17 and I have light green hair and an eyebrow ring. This is my last year of high school. I'm a new student, to a new school. I hated moving, but I had no choose to. My mom wanted to move, so that meant me too. Maybe it won't be that bad that I moved, I'll get new friends, and a new life right? I really didn't have friends back at my old school. Maybe this will be good for me.

I'll just to see.


The first day of school, and I was scared. I didn't want to go, because its in the middle of the school year. I groaned and rolled out of bed.

"Morning honey." my mom said. I just nodded. "I hope your ready for school today. So be ready. And your going to be fine!" she said. I love my mom, but she can be a pain sometimes. "Yeah, I'll be ready." I laughed. She walked off with a smile. And I got ready for school.

My mom dived me to school, I said my good-byes and that she was going to pick me up after school. I know that she's going to be an hour late. I took my first step, in the new school. I looked around at the people, as they saw me and whispers in their friends ears. I didn't mind, I was use to it. I walked to the office, I saw an old lady sitting there. "Hi. my name is Micheal Clifford. I'm new." I hated saying that I was new. She looked up at me and give a long look at me. Wow, even the office people judge you. "Oh yes, Michael Clifford. Here you go, that's your classes and your locker. And enjoy your day." she sounded nice, but really old. 

I walked to my first class. I look in, not a big class, I guess this would work. I walked in the classroom, I saw everyone looked at me. I cleared my throat, and keep walking to the teacher. "H-Hi, my name is Michael Clifford. And I'm n-new" that's all I could say. "Yes, Michael. Please take a seat." she pointed to the back of the classroom. I walked by the classmates, and to the only seat left. I really hated being the new kid.

Class was over, and i didn't get pick on, just some "hello's" and "whats your name" and "your cute" from some girls. But I didn't mind all of those things, I just want this day would be over. I just walk to lunch, I saw all lot of people. I find a table that no one sat at. I saw this boy, sitting with another people. He was wear a football jersey, so I guess he was "Mr. Popularity".  The guy that always get what he wants, the girls, a group, captain of the football team, and just everything. Just another thing I wont like around here. And finally lunch was over. Was I really thinking about him the whole time? I guess I was. Whoops. But oh well. At least he wont know, right?


The day was over, and no one talked to me or I didn't get any friends. Well I guess you don't get any on the first day. I walked into my house, at least it wasn't burn down. "Mom, I'm home!" I yelled through the house. "How was your first day honey?" my mom as, as she came out of the kitchen. "Eh, it could of been better." I sighed. She was fucking laughing. Who does that? "Its not funny!" I got mad, and she laugh ever more. Sometimes I hate her. "Sorry honey. But it will get better in time." I just shooked my head. "Yeah of course it will. And one day, I'm going to clean my room." I laughed so did she. "Alright, Dinner will be done soon, so don't stay up there too long!" she said as I ran up to my room. I dropped my bag on the floor and shut the door. Maybe I should clean my room? Nah, its pretty clean to me

"Michael dinner done!!" I heard my mom call me down for dinner. I wasn't really hungry but I guess I'm eating. "Okay! I'm coming!!" I ran down the stairs. "Wow, it looks good." I said as I sat down with a plate ready there. "I hope you like it." she said as she sat down too. It was the only two of us tonight. But it wasn't that bad, we laughed, talked and ate. And maybe watched a little kid's movie, so I haven't grew up yet don't judge me.

"Mommy I'm so tired" I sounded like a little kid. "Well get off your lazy ass and go to bed." I gasped at her and pouted. "But I want you too carry me up there." I begged. "No! Your too big!" she said. "Am I that fat?" I ask her. "Yes you are." she joked, but I still pouted. How could she call me fat? She's my mother. "That's it! I'm going to bed! Night!" I walked up the stairs and she followed me. "I was kidding!" she said. I just laid down and turn my head. "I'm sorry honey. Your not fat. Night." I pulled her into a hug. And she smiled, so did I. "Night mom." She kissed my forehead. "Night honey." she shut the door, as I fell asleep.

A/N~ YAY! The first chapter is here!! Sorry it took soooo long!!! But I did it!! I hope you guys liked it! Bye!

-Sarah xx

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