Chapter 7

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Heyyy sorry I didn't update! But I'm here now!! I just watched Ciel in Wonderland and let me tell you, WEIRDDD XD! It was awesome. But here's chapter 7😋


~after meeting~ (I didn't wanna bore you). <Čîèł pøv>

Uhhhh just pointless. Why do I have to go to meetings just to fill out paper and talk. Such a waste of time.

As we walk to the carriage I begin to feel the need for the bathroom. I wish I would've gone before we left.

"Is he carriage ready?" I ask Sebatian.

"Yes lord" he replies. He opens the door and helps me step in. I sit and groan slightly, Since I gotta go. Sebatian sits across and by the side from me. As we go, we have to take the bumpiest road ever. I slightly crouch, and close my eyes. Maybe if I relax I won't have to go. (Haha while I'm writing this I think of the potty dance😂)

"Are you alright master?" I open my eyes to see Sebation looking at me.

"I'm quite fine" I whisper. He still looks at me. But I just close my eyes. I go into a daze, not sleeping but not fully awake.

'Ughhh' I mentally think, I guess my face is in distress because I have a feeling that he's staring at me. I feel like I'm gonna explode. Suddenly we hit a huge pit in the road and we jerk upwards then slam down.

I grown loudly.

"Master?" I open my eyes.

"I'm fine!"but I can tell that Sebatian doesn't believe me.

Right when we stop I'm running to my bathroom, I think. It seems like ages till we stop.

Sebatian opens the door for me and I sprint.

"Lord??" I hear Sebatian but I still run. I slam open the front door and sigh, still running, but it gets hard with my asthma.

"Why are you running?" I hear Finny ask.

I wave a hand to him. I finally make it to my room. I slam the bathroom door.

Sebatian POV

I open the door for master, but to my suprise, he sprints.

"Master??" I yell. But he ignores me. I run after him. Finny asks what's wrong but we pass him. I see master run into his room and slam the bathroom door.

I walk to the door and knock.

"Master!? Are you alright??" I ask.

"Y-yes I'm fine" I hear. I think of what could be the matter, but before I could even think he opens the door. He looks fine. No scratches no nothing.

"Why did you run?" I ask.

"It's embarrassing but I really had to go to the bathroom." He says looking at the ground.

"You could've just told me that, is that why you were groaning when we were in the carriage?" He nods. I almost chuckle.

"Are you good now?" I ask, smirking. He nods playing with his ring.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. That happens to everyone. Well that is except demons like me" I tell him. He nods once again.

"Let's get dinner" I tell him grabbing his arm, pulling him out of thought.

"W-what are you doing?!" he stuttered at me.

"Simply taking you to dinner" I smirk. He just goes along with it. I walk him to the kitchen. He sits in his chair and I go to make dinner. Tonight I'm thinking of having a serlion steak with his favorite gravy, and adding a salad with tomatoes,olives,bell peppers, and dressing. I season the steak and prepare the salad.

When it's done I make jasmine tea to go along with it. I place it on the cart and roll it out to young lord. To my suprise I see him sleeping. I walk over to him and gently shake his shoulder.

"Master, wake up so you can eat" I tell him. He groans and opens his eyes. He mumbles something but it's unhearable.

"What was that?"

" M-wha-re we hav-ving" he says, I think but then know what he said.

"Tonight we have serlion steak with gravy, and a side of salad with an assortment of vegetables. Also a pot of jasmine tea." I tell him setting his food in front of him.

He stretches his arms and yawns. I smirk.

He takes a piece of steak and eats it. But then he waves me away. I bow and leave.

Ciel pov

I take a bite and enjoy it. It wakes me up slightly. I only take a few bites, I was hungry, but I just didn't wanna eat. I take a few bites of salad and put down my fork. I drink the tea and get up. I walk to my bedroom. Waiting for Sebatian to prepare me for a bath. I call him and he's there within seconds.

"I must ask, why didn't you eat much" he asks.

"I-uh wasn't hungry." Dammit, I stuttered. He looks concerned but I interrupt his thinking

"Please prepare a bath" I tell him and begin to unbutton my shirt. While he's preparing it I slowly undress myself. Leaving me in my eyepatch, boxers, and my under shirt.

"It's ready bocchan" he says, he walks over and takes off my undershirt and my eyepatch making sure the curtains were closed. While he takes off my boxers I blush, WHY?? Why do I blush!?? I look away. But I saw Sebatian smirking.

I step into the tub. The cuts and scars still sting in the water. I slowly run my fingers across them. They feel so, what's the word, disgusting but relieving. But I promised him.

"Do they hurt bocchan?" He asks.

" A little, but it's nothing" I relax in the water, Sebatian just sighs and washes me Gently.

After I'm done i have Sebatian button my nightshirt. It's weird that that's all I sleep in. But whatever, I'm tired.

Sebatian tucks me in, I moan slightly as I feel the soft blankets.

"Do you wish me to stay for the night?" He asks.

"N-no I think I'll be ok tonight" I tell him as he walks out.

"Goodnight master"

For I didn't know that tonight was going to be rough.

Woah! I didn't expect it to be that long! Well hopefully you like! Please comment on how you think it is! I will update soon hopefully!! Peace out my butlers!!

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