Prologue: Predator X and X Prey

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All Characters belong to their respective franchises, One Punch Man or Hunter X Hunter.

This still trashy (but less trashy then my last version) plot belongs to me though...the parts that don't belong to OPM or HxH at least.

Author's Note: Hello! Welcome to the renewed version of Hero X For X Fun! Sadly we will be starting from the beginning to help the overall quality of the story, but we weren't that far in anyhow so it's alright.

Also, the fic will take place AFTER the Monster Association Arc, almost directly, since that opens up a few extra things for me with Garou, but references to the actual Monster Association fight will be few and rare but the incidents AFTERWARD will be coming straight from the Webcomic so be warned there are spoilers ahead for those who haven't read the Webcomic yet. Also some of the Webcomic scenes I will change for my own benefit, so just keep that in mind!

Remember, Constructive Criticism and Compliments are always welcome, if you say the fic sucks just explain WHY so I can improve it!

WARNING: A few spoilers for the Monster Association Arc lay ahead, read at your own risk!

(This story can also be found on Fan! Hopefully Ao3 in the near future as well!)

Ok, let's begin, and this time I won't get carried away with the Prologue!

Saitama – City A (Hero Association) – Shortly after Monster Association Arc

Moving was pretty difficult.

This is what Saitama thought as he carried several boxes filled with his possessions

It may not seem like it, but it was.

Perhaps fighting monsters capable of annihilating entire cities with a single blow had once been difficult to the Caped Baldy, but that had long since lost its charm.

Being a hero was more tedious than difficult per se, with all the strict regulations and rules that had not restricted the Pro-Hero before he had joined the Association.

Yet despite everything, his three years of intense training and epic (sort of?) fights included, moving was still something he found difficult strangely enough.

Perhaps it was due to the physical constraints, but these didn't really apply to the freshly minted A Class Hero. More than likely it was the effect of change, after all, moving to a completely new city and home was change, something Saitama had noticed seemed to be rapidly occurring in his life.

The recent few months had shown a great escalation in the amount of change Saitama experience. In the time of less than a year he had gained a disciple, become a 'Pro-Hero' (it still humiliated him that he had not known of the existence of an organization for heroes that had been around as long he himself had decided to become a hero), punched a meteor to oblivion, fought a fish monster, repelled an alien invasion, and even fought a strange man with a Monster Hobby.

Saitama sighed as he pondered the difficulties of moving.

Then again, most people didn't have to move their things out of a completely decimated city moving entire buildings worth of rubble to reach the tattered remains of their manga collection.

Then again, this was how it was for Saitama.

These thoughts ran through Saitama's head as he carried a box containing many of his childhood mementos he had decided to keep, namely a small action figure and an old, slimy tennis ball that had faded so much that it was quite hard to identify its original color if one had never seen a tennis ball before.

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