Of Men X And X Machines

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All Characters belong to their respective franchises, One Punch Man or Hunter X Hunter.

This still trashy (but less trashy then my last version) plot belongs to me though...the parts that don't belong to OPM or HxH at least.

Author's Note: Welcome! Sorry for the long delay! I planned on uploading this on the weekend...but I had to pack almost instantly upon arrival home for ANOTHER trip! This time, I got my laptop with me though, so on the plane all I did was pull up some classical music (Mahler: Symphony No.3) and WRITE! (Also watched Bumblebee and Johnny English Strikes Back).

To answer some questions and complaints reviewers have been having, first yes I know that there is an abnormal amount of characters being pulled into Hunter x Hunter, and this is being done for a specific reason, for the OPM Universe won't be left in the dirt while our favorite heroes are dilly dallying in the Hunter X Hunter Universe. Second, I have already finished my idea for nerfing Tatsumaki, which only applies in the HxH Universe mind you, since there are certain factors of the two series that actually fit together, albeit barely.

Without further ado, let first take a look at how the poor, unbelievably corrupt Hero Association is handling the loss of some of its best and brightest...and Amai Mask of course.

Stitch – Hero Association HQ – Post Zero Hour

He knew how politics worked.

That was one thing that Stitch had down pat.

While others in society could levitate cities, charm crowds with their deceptively beautiful faces (*cough AMAI MASK *cough) or simply possess overwhelming strength and a stoic gaze. Stitch knew how to cozy up to people, though he didn't enjoy doing it.

He did it to protect these arrogant fools from themselves.

A Hero in his own regard, though no one screams Stitch in the crowded spaces of the cities.

Right now he was facing the biggest problem in his long career at the Hero Association.

Stitch looked around to see a man introducing everyone from a card, snotty bastard. This conference room was filled with two kinds of people. Good, honest people who had joined and worked their way up with the dream of making the world a better place or corrupt, rich, scoundrels who had bribed their way up so they could use Heroes as their own private army.

Sadly the latter was in the majority, the former slowly decreasing in number.

IT had occurred just the day before, the sun had just reached its peak and the denizens of the city were relatively unaware of the calamity that had horribly crippled the Hero Association.

Almost as soon as the sun had left its apex a strange meteorological phenomenon occurred throughout the city, luckily caught on camera.

At exactly the same time several people around the victims had heard a crackle, resembling the sound of lightning but far more quiet, a whisper of the coming evil perhaps.

Moments after several Heroes were promptly engulfed in a strange cyan colored lightning and promptly vanished.

Naturally the Hero Association panicked and initiated an information lockdown to prevent mass panic. The majority of the heavy hitting S Class Heroes were just...gone. Tatsumaki, Bang (retired, so not too much of a loss, though he would come to play Shogi with Stitch on his off days), Atomic Samurai, Child Emperor, Flashy Flash, Metal Bat, Genos, Metal Bat, and Puri Puri Prisoner were the S Class losses the Hero Association had suffered, though one could argue that Amai Mask was S Class too and he was also taken.

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