The Day They Met

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The inspirational scene^

Hi, I'm the author, Emma! I hope you enjoy this super random story. Thanks for reading! Vote and/or comment if you want! I appreciate knowing who's reading my stories, but no pressure! Now, let's get on to the story, which is why you came here in the first place!


Six year old Pietro Maximoff walked to his classroom on the first day of school, hand in hand with his mother, Magda, and his twin sister, Wanda. Pietro was nervous, but wasn't showing it nearly as much as Wanda. He was only biting his lip, but Wanda was tugging away from their father, Django's grip on her hand, trying to run back home.

When they got to the room, Magda released her son's hand. He tugged his sister towards the room, but she dug her heels into the floor. "I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go! Mommy! Daddy! Don't make me go!"

"You'll like it, Wanda, I promise. We wouldn't send you otherwise," Django told her. It was true. School wasn't required in Sokovia, and so plenty of people simply didn't go. A lot of people couldn't afford it. The Maximoffs had managed to scrape up just enough money to send the twins. They would have better lives if they went to school.

"No I won't! Why would I like being 'round people I don't know?!"

"You'll know them by the end of the day, Wanda." Magda gently scolded.

Wanda flung herself back, her momentum enough to break Pietro's grip on her. She took off. Her father was faster, though, and he grabbed her waist, swooping her off the ground for a few seconds while he carried her, kicking and screaming back to the door.

Pietro was embarrassed. Did she have to throw a fit? He knew that she was shy, but she was only drawing attention to herself- and him. He saw a girl standing with her parents, trying to get into the classroom.

He walked up Wanda, grabbing her hands. "Wandy!" He told her. "Stop crying! Daddy and Mommy are right, we'll like school! And don't say we won't because how would we know? We've never been! Now, you know I'll be with you the whole time, we're even sitting next to each other! So don't cry! You're just being silly!"

Wanda sniffled. She wiped her nose with the back of her hand.

"Your brother is right!" The teacher said, walking over. She was holding the hand of another crying girl. "I know you're scared. So is Gertie, see? She's crying too! Maybe you two should talk about why you want to go home, ok?"

Wanda looked skeptical, but she nodded, sniffling. The teacher took her hand and led her into the classroom, Pietro at their heels. The other little girl walked in behind him. The twins ended up at a table with both of the girls. Wanda and Gertie indeed started whining to each other about wanting to go home.

Pietro introduced himself to the other girl. "I'm Pietro! This is my little sister, Wanda."

"We're twins!" Wanda complained.

Gertie and the other girl giggled.

"I'm Gertie!" Gertie said.

"And I'm Zrinka," The other girl said.

"I was going to guess that your name is Beautiful, because that would suit you better," Pietro said smoothly.

Zrinka blushed. "Thank you," She whispered.

Wanda and Gertie giggled. "Pietro and Zrinka sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, and then comes marriage, and then comes the couple with a baby carriage!" They singsonged.

"Shut up, Wanda," Pietro mumbled.

"How are things going over here?" The teacher asked with a smile.

"I think they're going great!" Pietro stated with a charming smile. Noticing the "aren't you adorable" face, Pietro realized he was probably going to be what was called a "teacher's pet".

The girls started talking about dolls, and given that Pietro had absolutely no interest in those, he waited for the two other boys who would be sitting at their table to show up. The were only two tables- meaning there were only a dozen kids in the class. After a few minutes, they arrived, introducing themselves as Tomas and Markus.

Pietro liked Markus for about five seconds before the boy started talking to Wanda. Talking as in shamelessly flirting. Ever the hypocrite, Pietro was infuriated. Even if it was harmless six year old flirting.

"Hey, Markus, you think my sister is pretty, huh?" He asked while they were playing basketball at recess.

"I do, Pietro. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing. But if you hurt her, I'll hurt you."

"I'd never hurt such a pretty girl."

"You say that now."

"I promise."

"If you promise, then I guess it's ok."

The teacher called them in for lunch. As they were eating, one of the boys in the class knocked over Zrinka's juice box onto the floor. She looked mad. "Clarence!"

Clarence stuck his tongue out at her. The teacher took him out of the room. Zrinka looked at her ruined juice sadly, tears starting to fill in her eyes. Pietro sighed at his own unopened juice box before holding it out to Zrinka. "Don't cry. You can have my juice. I don't need it. And I'll punch Clarence for doing that if you want."

Zrinka grinned. "That would be great. But don't, cuz you'd get in trouble. And I can't take your juice box! That's too much!"

"It's ok!" Pietro reassured her with a smile. "I'm a strong boy. I don't need a juice. I'm not saying you're not strong, I'm saying it wouldn't be polite for me not to give my drink to a lady."

Zrinka was more than pleased at being called a lady. "Well, thanks Pietro!" She happily took the juice box.

Wanda looked shocked. "Did you just give her your juice?! That's your favorite part of your lunch!" She whispered to her brother.

Pietro shrugged. He was a little sad, but seeing how happy Zrinka was made him happy. "It's ok."

Wanda shook her head. "I could never give someone MY juice box."

"It was hard," Pietro admitted.

"I'm sure it was," She said in appreciation. "You're so sweet, bubba."

"Thanks, sissy."

"Will you knight versus dragon with me?"

"Only if I can be the dragon."


The twins happily went back to munching on their grilled cheese sandwiches. 

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