Adventures in babysitting with Angel

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Walking into the clubhouse you and Ez survey the disaster zone that is in front of you, it looks like there was a crazy club party, except it's 2pm on a Sunday and instead of beer bottles it's barbie dolls.

"Angel?" Ez calls out

"Mamaaaaaaaa" you hear the familiar voice of your daughter Mia as she comes flying out of Temple kneeling down to catch her she jumps into your arms.

"Hello my baby girl, did you have a good day?" You say sweeping her up and smothering her with kisses

Laughing Mia replies "yes, I had the best day, Tio Angel took me to get ice cream for lunch and Tio Bishop let me sit in his chair" she says all excited and clearly hopped up on sugar

"Tio Angel let you have ice cream for lunch huh?" Ez says holding his arms out, Mia wiggles over and into her fathers arms

"Yes! I had a sundae the size of my head" she says laughing

"And where is Tio Angel?" Ez asks

"Laying down in Temple" Mia replies wriggling out of Ez's arms and running off, you both look at each other and follow

"I'm going to kill your brother Ez" you say laughing

Entering temple you see Angel laying on the floor, basically passed out from exhaustion.

"Ice cream for lunch? Really Angel?" Ez asks kicking Angels shoe

"In my defence she said it was okay" Angel says sitting up "I didn't know she was going to turn into a gremlin"

"Well that gremlin is sleeping at your house tonight" you say laughing, turning to Mia "Mia do you want to have a sleepover at Tio Angels tonight?"

Jumping up and down Mia exclaims "yes please"

Groaning Angel just looks at you "please no, I don't know how to calm her down" panic spread across his face

"Well Angel you should have thought about that before you gave her ice cream for lunch" Ez says

Before he can respond the familiar rumble of the bikes fills the clubhouse

"Abuelo" Mia yells excitedly tearing from temple and towards the front door

Helping Angel up off the floor the three of you head outside, Mia is already in Tranq's arms and he is spinning her around

"Be careful pops, Angel gave her ice cream for lunch" you call out

"Ice cream? For lunch?" Tranq says tickling Mia "well there still be room for Abuelo's famous bbq, I've made all your favorites"

"There's always room for your bbq" she says kissing him on the cheek

"Thanks my girl" he replies cuddling her and putting her back on the ground

Mia runs around giving all of her uncles big hugs and kisses, as they head into the clubhouse for Sunday bbq. 

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