Part 1: Clarke

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"I'm not going."

"Oh come on Clarke. This could be the only party we will ever go to in our lives. No wait scratch that I KNOW this will be the only party we will ever go to in our lives." I get up from my bed and move over to my desk.

"Wells, I can't it's a school night and you and I have that test tomorrow, plus my mom would kill me if she ever found out." He rolls his eyes and plops down on my bed

"Then tell her that you're going to a movie or something. Plus, you have aced this whole semester, and the one before that, and the one before that, and every semester since the first grade."

"Harper you haven't said anything on the matter yet." I turn to look at her sitting in the chair in the corner of my room. "Do you think that we should go?" Wells shoots up into a sitting position on the bed looking at me.

"She wants to go. Don't you Harper." I look from Harper to Wells and her face says it all.


"Sorry Clarke, it might be fun." I let out a sigh blowing hair out of my eyes.

"Fine. I'll go."

They both give each other a victorious smile causing Harper to jump up from the chair moving over to my closet "Here put this on." She tosses me my black leather jacket that I've only worn once at Halloween when I went as Sandy "and...these." I catch my ripped jeans and an old faded band tee of my dads.  "Also try putting your hair up." She moves over to my bathroom door motioning for me to get changed.  

I'm gonna regret this.


I don't even know why I'm here. I stand off to the side gripping onto my now empty cup. I promised myself I would never come to one of these things I can't stand half the people here. I've lost Harper and Wells to beer pong and kegstands. I bite the inside of my cheek watching the current game of beer pong. 

I've always wanted to attend a real party like this I'll just never give Harper the satisfaction of admiting so. There's atually a lot I want to do, I honestly dread the thought of entering college a "prude".   

"You're in my English class." I jump slightly at the sound of a voice next to me. "It's Clarke right?" 

"Um yeah, and you're Bellamy." He gives me a small smirk then takes a sip of his beer "That I am." He's drunk. 

I can't quite tell how drunk though, definitely enough that he forgot that we've attended the same school since fifth grade so we are very knowledgable about who the other is. 

I grip onto my empty cup a bit more crushing it a bit. He glances down at it then back at me "You want another one of those?" He points down to the cup.

"Oh no, I shouldn't... I have a test tomorrow." My eyes quickly scan the crowd for Wells as I place the cup down at the nearest table.

"Right. You're one of those girls." He moves to the keg behind me refilling his cup

"One of those girls?" I try not to sound offended but have no such luck.

"Yeah you know, the type of girls that don't usually come to these types of things. I've seen you around school you're the overachiever with plans of going to Yale. I am also guessing that one of your friends dragged you here so that you could have a nice little social experience before you head off to one of those prestigious $40,000 schools." He takes a sip of his beer not breaking his gaze. "I don't mean to offend, just making an observation that's all."

"No um, you're right... this isn't really my crowd." I slowly move my hair behind my ear breaking eye contact with him. I don't really feel up to making small talk. I look back at him giving a half-assed smile, He opens his mouth to say something but is cut off.

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