Chapter 3

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Jabez POV
I looked down and I noticed that Alexa fell asleep so I carried her to our room and put her on the bed and put a blanket on her I went downstairs and Alex and Carlos was there
A- hey she asleep?
j- yup
C- when are you gonna tell her
A- tell her what
J- Nothing!.....
Alex looked at Carlos
A- tell her what
Carlos said it very fast
C- jabezisgonnaaskhertoprom
(btw it's like Saturday)
A- what
j- I'm gonna ask her to prom
A- really
j- yea
C- ima check if she heard us
J- okay
A- me too
j- if everyones going then I am
we all went upstairs and saw her sleeping but....crying...
A- Hey I think shes having a nightmare
she then screams
I went up to her and shake her
J- Wake up Alexa!
I put her hand on her chest and her heart is beating hella fast
J- Wake up please Alexa please!
She then wakes up
I hug her and she whispers
Y- please please dont leave me all alone please
J- I won't I promise
I then peck her
J- hey guys ima stay up here with her okay
A&C- okay
they went down stairs and closed your door
J- what happened what dream did you have
Y- i- i- i- don't know
J- well do you know like a little bit
Y- i- do but the dream felt so real, I saw a brige.i saw people floating on the water or something and I think I was about to jump until a guy showed up and tried to convince me not to but I ignored it and I jumped,but when I jumped I saw my mom, Alex ,you and Carlos you guys were dead I mean hanging from the bridge
(dang to deep)
I just hugged her, the fact that she had that dream makes me feel like I'm worried for her I'm just sad I'm worried I might loose her
I then pulled back
j- that will never ever happen okay
Y- okay
J- just go back to sleep and I will stay up here ofcourse okay if you want you can get one of my hoodies okay
Y- okay
she stood up and grabbed my hoodie she took off her shirt and put the hoodie
J- you can put on one of my sweats okay
she nodded and got one and put it on she then went in bed and I just grabbed he by the waist she turned around and she pu her arms  around my neck and barried her face in my chest and I just hugged her back she then fell asleep and i fell asleep with her right when i was about to close my eyes until Alex barged In and went up to me and whispered
A- hey umm wanna play fortnite
I looked at him death stair
J- No
A- why
J- I wanna cuddle with Alexa so get out now
A- no
J- what
A- no ima stay
then Carlos came in and whispered
C- Sleepover
J- what no
A- Yessss
they went to get blankets and slept on the floor I didn't care I just wanna be with Alexa and be with her forever I then said in her ear
J- I love you so so so much u then kissed her forehead and she smiled I then thought she heard me in her sleep then I closed my eyes and fell asleep

I realy hoped you liked this chapter thank you and have a good day🤗💞

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