Chapter 6?

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(this chapter is gonna be Alex POV fn okay)
I woke up and see that Alexa not there before I started to panic I heard the door open from the bathroom it looked like she's been in there for a while, her eyes were red like she was crying she came in the room
Y- oh good morning( said in a sick voice)
A-Good morning how are you feeling
she came and sat down
Y- I dont know I feel sick
A- and why is that
Y- I threw up this morning
A- you okay
she didn't answer me
A- Alexa?
A- ya
Y- i- I think I might be p-pregnant
A- wha
Y- Alex I think I'm pregnant
(she said in a panic tone)
I looked at her she was shaking. she was breathing fast then I hugged her
A- hey it's okay
Y- it's not okay I'm not ready
I looked deeply into her eyes
A- hey I will be here okay and if you are having a baby I will be here to take care of it okay
Y- thank you so much idk what I would do if you weren't here
A- hey no need to thank me
she then smiled I smiled back at her and I kinda got lost in her eyes
Y- Alex?
A- y- ya
Y- let's go
A- where?
Y- to get a pregnancy test dummy
A- oh right!
I got up and changed really fast we get in the car and drove to CVS we both went in the store and bought a test we got home
Y- okay ima take it okay
A- okay I'll wait outside
Y- ookay
she went up stairs and I followed her she wet in and I just waiting she then called me
Y- Alexa
A- yes
Y- can you come in
A- ya
I went in there she was sitting on the counter holding the test
Y- Alex I'm scared what if I am having a baby
A- no need to be scared okay I'm here 24 7 okay I will never leave okay and then if you aren't having a baby well you already know whats gonna happen if you do have a baby
i smiled and she smiled back and the timer went off
Y- its time
she was shaking so i held her hand she turned it over and it was....


so your wondering what it is

ill tell ya just keep going



it was negative i looked at her she looked up at me and a tear rolled down her cheek
Y- okay what if its lieing and we gave ti double check
A- ya lets go ti the doctor
we grabed our keys and left to the doctor's we made an appointment and they call her and she went
5 minutes later
she came out i srood up she walked to me and she said
Y- its negative
she had a tear roll down her cheek
A- hey its okay soom you will have a baby
Y- but with who i will never find a boyfriend never...
A- i promise soon
Y- thanks i love you so much
i smiled so hard
A- awwww
A- you said you love me
Y- n- no
A- yes you did and its okay i love you more
i held her hand and we walked out of the doctors and left....


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