The Kid from the Park

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That soft giggle, followed by a little snicker. I knew those sounds, but from where? A flash of a familiar face flew through my mind; a memory of me laughing while I pet his hair. I saw the flash of a face again, almost white, soft blonde hair. The bright Bluegreen eyes, followed my a soft, sweet smile. I could hear the voices of people. I could hear that boy struggling to say my name, and settling for calling me my middle name, Alexis, which he could say. The sight of me laughing, him coming up behind me and scaring me, which somehow ended in me smiling widely and laughing. I just had all of these memories rushing through my mind. I had still had blonde hair. I was no older than three, which meant it had been eight years ago, at least.

"Good morning, Kendall!," my mom practically sang as she busted into my room waking me from my dream. Oh, it had been a dream, again.

"Happy birthday!"

"Thanks, mom," I replied as I forcefully dragged myself out of bed and went to the kitchen. Ahh, nothing better than the smell of freshly baked chocolate cake in the morning. When it was time to leave for school, everything was normal, just like the day before, except I was eleven now, not ten.

I began to think of birthdays I had when I was really little. The first one I always remembered was my fourth birthday, the one I had always cherished the most. I had only had one friend from the time I was three to the time I was four. The one friend I had didn't even go to the same school as me, I had met him at the park. On the way to school on my fourth birthday, I was smiling so much it had begun to hurt. I knew I was going to the park after school.

"Happy birthday!," my teacher exclaimed as I walked in the room.

"Thank you!," I said through a smile, then walked to my seat. My five hour school day seemed to go by about as fast as a running tortoise. The things I normally found exiting, I showed no interest in whatsoever. After the school day had basically crawled its way by like a little tiny baby, I ran to the car and jumped into the backseat. She began to drive to the park. My mom probably wasn't even in the parking spot when I jumped out of the car and ran off to play.

"Oh, hey Alexis!," He said as I quickly ran over to him.

"Hey Zayn!," I smiled. I couldn't say the name he went by, even though it was so unbelievably simple, so I called him Zayn.

"Oh...hey," he began," I know what day it is, you know."

"You don't know what day it is.," I said as I spun around on my heel.

"Okay, ha ha. Challenge accepted.,"He grabbed my hand and took off running yanking me behind him.

"I have a surprise for you," he whispered.

He pulled a necklace out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"Happy birthday, Alexis!," he said with a giant grin on his face, he snickered and continued,"I passed the challenge too."

I snapped out of my flashback only to find myself thinking I would never see him again, but to my surprise, I was unbelievably wrong. I realized I was at school and I got out of the car.

It was a Wednesday, the day i went to quest. I walked into the ice cold trailer and joined my two friends who we'll call Rose and Kalina. I sat down next to Rose and Kalina immediately leaned in closer. "There's a new kid in the class, I think.," Kalina whispered.

I cocked my head sideways and shrugged. "Whatever that's cool, I guess.," I said showing no care or even the slightest emotion at all.

"Come on! Show some enthusiasm, or at least pretend that you care!," Rose said to me.

"Uhhhhh, how about, no.," I said and went back to carelessly staring off into space.

The new student, lets call him Carlos, walked over to the table I was at and sat next to me. The way his bag was unzipped, how his books were in an unorganized stack, the way everything he had with him he had with him fell everywhere, shaking the small trailers fridged, cold floor. I could definitely tell that he did not have his life together right then. Every part of this wanted me to snatch everything he owns and re-organize it.

"Hi my name is Carlos!," he said in a bubbly voice, that seemed to reminded me of the weird dog fish lookin bubble guppies thing.

I smiled and mumbled,"Hey.,"then went right back to what I was doing. He just seemed to remind me of some one, but who? Who on Earth would some bubbly, smiley kid remind me of? As the class went on, I allowed my mind to drift off until I was lost in my day dreams and memories. Most of them were good ones, but one stuck out to me, it was just like my dream. I heard that giggle and that snicker, but this time it was clear, the giggle was mine and the snicker was the kid from the park.

Suddenly, I heard that snicker again, but this time it was real. This time it was Carlos.

I had a million thoughts, but one in particular hit me really hard. Was it him? Was carlos the kid from the park. It would make sense, it really would. I mean, they had the same hair, the same eyes, the same smile, and even the same laugh. But no, it couldn't be him. After that I refused to go near him of talk to him unless I was forced to.

Nearly a year later, we had somehow ended up being friend. I trusted him with my life, and I never really trust anyone, so I was a little surprised with myself. It was one of those days when normal just had to come to an abrupt end. Art class had gone from our normal, yet stupid conversations to talking about our memories, a topic we usally stayed away from. I was last, with carlos before me, and the story he told had me nothing but shook. I don't remember every word (mainly because I was so confused) but I do remember most of it. Carlos had a mixed look on his face between happy and upset.

He quietly began, "When I was three, I met a girl, who was extremely sweet, funny, and a little bit different than any other kid.

I met that boy when I was three...

"She was very shy, and refused to talk to anyone, except her cousin, who only came on Fridays and Saturdays. She would always sit in the sand box and play by herself, so one day I decided to try to play with her. I walked over and waved, but she stood up ad took off running. Most people would take a hint and get lost at that point, but I decided to chace her. When she stopped long enough for me to catch up, we were standing by a lake. I tried to talk to her, but she was scared, so she kicked me. Being impulsive, I kicked her into the lake. The end."

I felt like like I had just gotten slapped across the face by Edward Elric, with his metal arm too. It was so clear now, it was him. That was my exact memory of the day I met that kid. My eyes started to water as the burning sensation I get when I cry over whelmed me, I wasn't even actually crying. I managed to ask, "Did that girl have bright blue eyes and almost white blond hair?"

He looked at me for a second before responding, "She did. Wait, was that, no..."

"I looked up and smiled, "That was me."

For the first time in years I willingly hugged someone, I was just to exited not to.

Here I am nearly nine years later, hes my bets friend now.(Bonus- He finally leared how to put stuff in a neat stack so he doesn't drop it when he walks.) I recently showed him that necklace, only to see him smile and hear him say,"I got that for you on your fourth birthday.

So I guess Walt Disney wasn't lying to me. Dreams do come true, some times it just takes time. My dream was tot see my best friend again, and it finally happened. After all those days I spent wanting to talk to him, and now he's only a button away.

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