Rabbits and Candies

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            Letting out a forlorn sigh, Sect Leader Jiang Cheng set down the brush he was using onto the jaded brush holder. He simply sat there, his eyes closed while he listened to the synchronized swords on the training ground.
       He did not have the mind to continue dealing with all the Sect business; everyday was the same,reading sheets and sheets of reports- he wanted to something for a change.
With that thought in mind, Jiang Cheng left the hall and strided out the gates of the Yunmeng residence. At once, the bustling scene of a busy morning greeted his sight. There were people leisurely walking from stall to stall- viewing the goods or bargaining with the keeper.

              Walking among the civilians and looking at each passing shop, Jiang Cheng remembered the days of his youth. He could almost visualize him and Wei Wu Xian fooling around the streets, running while shouting at each other, both breathless from the Yunmeng heat. Unconsciously, the corners of his mouth, slightly tugged upwards.
          He felt his heart strings tighten as he was reminded of the times they would just casually take whatever they wanted to eat, without a care in the world. His father would always have to apologize for the boys' mischief  and pay afterwards.
            Ever since he had become Yunmeng's sect leader at an early age, he never had time to appreciate the real beauty of the place itself. He was always too tired to do so.
       Now, he noticed the warm smiles of the people and the lively chatters as they went about their lives.
         He looked ahead; hearing the laughter of children in the distance. Jiang Cheng spotted little kids running and playing about the streets.
         On a closer observation, he noticed that they were acting out the 'Sunshot Campaign'- a common game among the children. His eyes softened when he spotted a mini-Jiang Cheng with a purple cloth: a substitute for Zidian.
            He stood there, watching the young kids play about, recognising whom each child was imitating to be. A soft laugh escaped his lips when he saw the tiny Wei Wuxian- with a bamboo stick in hand.
                  His resentment for what Wei Wuxian had done was still there but he had buried it deep in his heart. Afterall...what was the use anymore. The past was in the past- it had already been over 10 years.
           His hatred, however had been fainter than it used to be. Even if he tried, he could not wholeheartedly hate the other person- not after knowing the truth...

            Continuing down the street, he spotted a candy stall out of the corner of his eye. He did not liked eating sweet things nor did he hate it but something familiar had caught his sight.
           It was an animal-shaped candy- to be more specific, a rabbit shape. This particular sweet brought back memories of the day when they were travelling to Gusu for their studies.
              Wei Wuxian had bought a rabbit candy for his sister. As usual, Jiang Cheng started scolding the other person to behave himself, in order to not lose face. Naturally, Wei wuxian did not listened to him and rather took off ahead.
            Without breaking his gaze, Jiang Cheng kept staring at the delicate sweet. The stall-keeper saw this and asked him if he wanted anything, "Sect Leader Jiang, is there anything you would like to have?"
          Having his thougths broken, he looked up suddenly, surprised by the sudden question.    "Oh, I..." he trailed off, contemplating his decisions. He shook his head and turned around to leave.
          But after making up his mind, he turned back, facing the shop-keeper. "Actually, I want this." he said as he picked up the rabbit-shaped candy. He paid for it and went on walking down the streets.
                   Just as he was about to bite into the ear of the candy rabbit, he heard a small voice talking: "Mother, look! I want candy."
             Jiang Cheng sighted a small boy holding the hand of his mother, bouncing up and down, pointing at the candies that were displayed. The mother looked depressed as she sighed, carrying a cloth bag over her shoulder.
                     She kneeled down to the boy's height and patted his head. She coaxed him, "A-hong, Mommy does not have money today- maybe next time, okay?"
          The little boy pouted, tears welling his big eyes. Jiang Cheng pitied them- he knelt down and extended the hand in which he was holding the sweet.
             "Here, give this your son..." he said, surprising the mother. "No, I cannot do that..." the mother protested but Jiang Cheng put it into the hands of the little boy. He laughed at the sect leader and bowed his head, thanking him.
         "Thank you so much, young master!" The mother cried. "No need to thank me." Jiang Cheng said as he stood up.

          After he left the boy and the mother, Jiang Cheng continued his way down to the street with no exact destination in mind. He was just going to have a little adventure on his own.
         His feet carried him somewhere on its own instinct. Soon, he was standing in a familiar patch of grass that was secluded from the busy Yunmeng streets.

A longing in Yunmeng | Jiang Cheng |Where stories live. Discover now