Someone Special

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         The boat slowly made its way back to the pier. Jiang Cheng felt much better after letting out all his emotions earlier and now, he was hungry. He had almost eaten nothing for the whole, except for the meat bun in the afternoon before setting out on this boat ride.
The sun had almost vanished behind the horizon and the sky glowed purple and pink. The lights along the street were being lighted as it got darker slowly by slowly. A soft breeze swept the floating lotus laterns that hung on garlands above the street.

He entered one of the restaurants he frequented when guests came to visit him. He sat down at his usual place, a secluded seat on the higher floor of the building. A dish of peanuts were set before him- a complementary dish.
Jiang Chneg ordered his favorite dishes and lotus rib soup with a bowl of rice. He waited for his order to come and chewed on the salted peanuts that were offered to him. He called the waiter who was cleaning the table beside his and placed an order for a bottle of wine and two cups.
The waiter was confused for a bit to why the Sect leader was ordering two cups when clearly, he was sitting by himself. But he just kept his mouth shut and went away to bring the wine and cups.
Only after the wine and two cups had arrived, did he noticed that there was one extra cup. He mocked himself for this mistake, murmuring "Pathetic" under his breathe. All day long, he had been reminiscing about Wei Wuxian and now, his mind was wandering to all places.
After all, they used to come here after Wei Ying had become the infamous Yiling Patriarch, drinking their worries away. And Jiang Cheng always ate this restaurant with other people, so it was natural for him to order two cups.
Filling his cup with wine to the brim, he chugged it down, relishing his body as the alcohol flowed down his throat. He could hear a muted song being played on the pipa downstairs. His fingers tapped along to the rhythm as his eyes roamed the streets outside the window.

Suddenly, he spotted a familiar white robe making its way along the street. This said person just so happened to look up, spotting Sect Leader Jiang Cheng looking out of the window with his grey glimmering eyes. He looked as if he had just cried, juding from the soft redness that surrounded his eyes.
From Jiang Cheng's view, he saw the other person let a warm sincere small, as bright as the sun, spread across the entirety of his face. This person, with his pure white robes fluttering about him, looked like a lone dandelion that was too delicate to evemn touch.

Jiang Cheng looked away from the window when the white figure below entered the restaurant , a light blush spreading across his face. He felt the warmth blossom from his chest and he hated that he felt so weak after seeing that smile. That smile that could brighten any dark night.
The wooden boards of the stair creaked softly under the weight of thr new comer that made his way up the restaurant. Jiang Cheng could hear murmurs of wonders from the other customers as this person in white ascended the steps.

            "Sect leader Jiang..." the soft gentle voice floated into Jiang Cheng's ear. Jiang Cheng got up from his seat and greeted the other, "Sect leader Lan"
                  "I did not expect to see you here." Lan Xichen said as he stood upright from his bow. "The same goes for Sect Leader Lan." Jiang Cheng replied.

         "Please have a meal with me then." Jiang Cheng offered as he sat back down in his seat. Lan Xichen accepted this offer and sat down, opposite to Jiang Cheng. By that time, the waiter had brought Jiang Cheng's orders and placed them on the table. Jiang Cheng arranged another set of meal for Lan Xichen because all his dishes were too strong for the Gusu Lan taste buds.

"Why had Sect leader Lan come to Yunmeng?" Jiang Cheng asked as he poured tea into the empty porcelain cup- now the extra cup was of use.
Lan Xichen let out a soft laugh and answered, "I was night-hunting with some disciplines from Gusu and decided to stop at Yunmeng before going back to Gusu."

"Oh. Was it for their training?"

Lan Xichen nodded, "Yes. I have already sent them back to report their hunt to Lan Wangji. Sect Leader Jiang, we should go night-hunting together sometimes as well..."

"If Sect Leader Lan pleases to do so."

             Jiang Cheng took a sip of his Lotus Soup but discontent was clear on his face. Lan Xichen saw the change of expression and asked, "Is there something wrong with the soup?"

    " is just that... my sister made much better soup. I can even make the soup better than this...."

         "I am sure you can." Lan Xichen said as he smiled his radiant smile again. "Why don't Sect Leader invite me to try out the soup next time me meet?" he asked, voice laced with innocence. Jiang Cheng's heart was about to fly out of his chest at this and he quickly nodded. "If you wish to, I shall invite Sect Leader Lan next time."

For the rest of the meal, they had a slow-paced conversation but never did Lan Xichen mention about Wei Wuxian to Jiang Cheng nor did the other ask. They were simply engaged in their small talk.

When they had finished their meal, they walked out of the restaurant and Lan Xichen offered to walk with Jiang Cheng along the streets of Yunmeng.
Jiang Cheng was practically screaming at himself in his mind, "WHY DOES THIS SOUND LIKE A GUY WALKING A LADY HOME?" Nevertheless, he maintained his blank face as he walked alongside the white-robed gentleman.
They said nothing to each other, just silently walking among the busy nightlife of Yunmeng while admiring the stall displays. It was if....they were on a date....

When they reached the gates of Yunmeng, Lan Xichen told Jiang Cheng that he had to go back to Gusu in order to not miss the curfew and apologized for not being able to stay longer.

"I am sorry I cannot stay any longer. I shall head back now Sect Leader Jiang." Lan Xichen told Jiang Cheng and gave him a warm smile. As he turned his back, Jiang Cheng called out to him on impulse.

"Sect Leader Lan-"

Lan Xichen turned around, "Yes?"

"Please drop the formalities. You need not call me Sect Leader Jiang..."

"Then, what should I call you?" Lan Xichen asked with a smile.

"Anything but that..."

"Then.....can I call you...... A- Cheng?"

This time, Jiang Cheng's heart really wanted to fly out from his rib-cage and he could feel his warm blood rush up to his face. He nodded and feared that if he said anything, he would only embarrass himself.

Lan Xichen smiled widely and laughed softly, "Okay. Then please, drop the informalities for me as well... you need not call me Sect Leader Lan all the time."

"I do not to adress Sect Leader Lan as such..." Jiang Cheng said slowly.

"Then, please call me Lan Huan." Lan Xichen said with a smile, then turned his back and disappeared into the street. Jiang Cheng stood there dumb-founded. He thought to himself, 'Is Lan Huan not his....' At this thought, he blushed even more than before.

A longing in Yunmeng | Jiang Cheng |Where stories live. Discover now