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I looked up at the bright lights in my face as I laid in this uncomfortable ass hospital bed, wondering how I got here.

Looking around the room, I saw my mom, my little sister and P's mom in the chairs sleep.

"The hell?" I spoke, looking at this weird ass combination of people.

"The fuck happened?" I said to myself as my little sister's eyes popped open.

"Koko." She screamed loudly with a grin on her face as she came over to me.

Both my mom and P's mom woke up once she did and I pulled her up onto the bed with me, realizing I had a cast on my arm and hand. She hugged me tightly as I kissed her cheek repeatedly.

"Ko, how are you? Does anything else hurt?" My mom spoke as she stood to her feet and came over to me.

"I'm aight, ma." I told her, looking at the cast covering both my arm and hand.

"You were sleeping for a long time.." P said sadly and I nodded.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 5 in the morning.

"Damn." I mumbled.

"Where's Penelope?" I then asked, finally remembering what happened.

"She's fine sweetheart. She's being taken care of as well." P's mom and I sighed in relief.

"Thank you so so much." She went on.

"You saved her, Kojo." My mom smiled while P's mom nodded and I shrugged.

"I had to." I said simply as they looked at me in awe.

I had to be there for her, she put her trust in me and that meant everything.

"Why do you have that on?" P pointed, referring to the cast that was covering my arm and hand.

"It's helping me." I sighed angrily and she nodded, looking at it.

I'd just gotten my wires out and now here I was with a broken arm and hand.

"They said you'll have to keep it on for about 12 weeks." My mom said as she watched me look down at my cast.

I sighed deeply, resting my head on the bed as I looked up at the ceiling.

The door opened, making us all look over to it and I saw one of Penelope's brothers and who I'm guessing was her pops, walking in.

"Can we talk to him.." Her dad said and both of our mom's nodded as they stood to their feet.

"Come on, P." My mom called for Penelope but she didn't want to go.

"No, mommy." She said holding onto me.

"It's aight, ma." I told her and she nodded, walking out.

They'd both left, leaving us to talk and I didn't know what was to come of it but I was prepared to throw down, if need be.

They stood there for a moment as if they were trying to decipher what they wanted to say and how they wanted to say it.

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