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I scanned the Cafe, looking for Jakari while holding the donut I'd just purchased. I really needed to talk to her and tell her that I was wrong for everything. I shouldn't have acted that way to her over a boy. It really wasn't worth losing the friendship I had with her.

There was still no luck in finding her as I looked around so I decided I'd just see her in our first class. It was still early so she probably just wasn't here yet.

Pushing passed people, I made my way to my first class of the day. The doors weren't opened yet but I would just sit outside until they did.

Sitting outside the class, I scrolled my phone and saw a bunch of messages from Reap. I rolled my eyes before opening them, just to see what he was saying.

Reap: I'm sorry, P. Let me make it up to u.
Reap: ur still my girl.
Reap: I don't care what u say.
Reap: I'm pulling up on u.

Rolling my eyes, I closed out the messages as I looked up at Jakari standing in front of the class, waiting as well.

"Hey." I spoke with a smile and she furrowed her eyebrows while looking at me.

Not saying a word, she scoffed and turned her head the opposite way. Obviously telling me that I was dismissed.

"Look, J. I'm so sorry."

"I don't need your simple ass apologies, Penelope. We were supposed to be girls and you turned on me for your fucked up boyfriend so just let it go."

"And I'm sorry about that, you didn't deserve that." I told her truthfully.

"Plus we are still girls in my mind. You'll never stop being my friend. I was just having a dumb moment, don't we all?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"If you're trying to say we've both done some dumb shit then just save it because I never turned on you for a nigga."

"Right but you've turned on me for Maxwell." I spoke, referring to an old best friend of hers.

"I never turned on you for Maxwell, y'all just didn't get along so I had to hang out with y'all separately."

"And at first I didn't understand it and now I do. But one thing I never did was bash him while we hung together because I knew y'all were friends."

"What are you getting at, Penelope?" She folded her arms.

"I understood that you didn't like Reap but you bashed him in front of me, what was I supposed to do?"

"Be a real friend and take my constructive criticism.." She trailed off while I put my eyes to the sky.

"I was telling you the truth about a trash nigga, not some catty bullshit."

"Alright, whatever." I waved it off.

"No, you're going to hear this because though we aren't girls anymore. I still love you, P."

"I saw that nigga yesterday, hugged up with some bitch." She said and my heart broke on the inside but I tried not to show it.

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