Chapter Eight: Walking & Talking

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The walk to Hogsmeade Village wasn't terrible by any means. Roman was ignoring the existence of the home-schooled wizard, who wasn't talking with but rather being talked to by Rachel Raywood. 

Virgil was staring at the ground as he walked beside the Gryffindor girl. He could feel his nerves swirling in his stomach as he nodded and listened to her speak.

"So my mom has been spamming me with letters like all week, I don't think she understands how embarrassing it is to have your mom send you letters every day like you're a first year or something!" she exclaimed. He bit back a wince as he simultaneously bit down on his lip. Rachel had brought up the one thing he'd hoped no one would talk about during this social gathering: mothers. "Moms can be so annoying sometimes, like she talks so much in her letters! Like doesn't she know when it's time to end the conversation? Like come on!"

The home-schooled wizard was almost trembling as he bit down harder on his bottom lip. He willed himself not to crack, not to start crying in front of all these new people. Fortunately, he was rescued by Val and Emile, who had both noticed his discomfort and approached.

"Hey Ray, let's not overwhelm the new kid," Val said, sidling up next to him. Virgil tried not to be taken aback by how tall and muscular he was but he couldn't help but admire him a little. As Emile led the Gryffindor girl away, he turned to smile down at him. "You seem to have a bit of trouble talking and speaking up for yourself, which I get, but if you're feeling uncomfortable, you should really try and let Rachel know. She's got Asperger's and has a hard time picking up on social cues."

"Oh, I'm sorry, um..." Virgil stammered, feeling guilty and uncertain about being told by someone else about her condition. He'd never met someone with Asperger's before.

The beater put a firm hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, she's chill with us talking about it," he said with a deep chuckle. "And don't worry about anyone trying to force you to talk either. We're all pretty chill so you can figure out what you're comfortable with in your own time, alright?"

"Thank you," he replied, blushing a little bit as he smiled down at his shoes; there was a reason his sexual and romantic preferences were male. 

Roman narrowed his eyes at him from across the path, huffing under his breath as he complained to Logan. "I mean, seriously, you should have heard the way he was talking to me in the library," the princely boy said. "He was so unbelievably rude! I can't believe Patton invited him!"

"Well, according to him, Virgil is a very nice person. They have Transfiguration together and Patton doesn't have biases against people based on what they look like," the Ravenclaw pointed out, adjusting his glasses as he gave his friend a pointed look. He opened his mouth to argue against his statement, but Logan continued. "I mean that he's friendly toward people until given a reason not to be. You, on the other hand, hold strangers to higher expectations. For example, you considered Virgil rude for not liking you staring at him but Patton would likely have just apologized and started a more pleasant conversation with him."

The Gryffindor grumbled and crossed his arms, cheeks warming with embarrassment. "I get it, I get it. Patton is better than me in every way," he muttered.

"Hey now Roman, what's that wacky talk?" The Hufflepuff came up beside him on the path and had heard what he'd said. There was concern in his eyes and a worried tone laced his voice as he spoke. "Why would you say that? I'm not better than you! No person is better than another! Well... unless you're like a serial killer or rapist or something, in which case, you're much worse than other people, but you get my point!"

"You're correct, Patton," his boyfriend said, nodding to him. He turned his gaze back to the princely boy. "I wasn't trying to make you feel inferior to him. You're both great people in your own ways."

He shrugged in response. He was a bit distracted by the way Virgil was smiling at Val while they talked. Roman couldn't help but notice that he was much more willing to do so with him rather than Rachel. A thought crossed his mind as he looked toward Patton and Logan with wide eyes. "Do you guys think Virgil's gay?" 

"You ask that question as though it would be a problem if that was the case," Logan said with an arched eyebrow, "which would be very hypocritical considering that of the group, you are the gayest."

At this exact second, the Slytherin of the group decided to interject very loudly. "Excuse moi?! Did I just hear that my title of 'gayest guy in the group' is being THREATENED?!"

The entire group looked toward Remy in shock at the loudness of his statement. Once the shock had worn off, most of them started to laugh or chuckle at him. Luis, Emile, and Rachel were all giggling uncontrollably. Melissa and Bay chuckled a little and restarted the conversation they were having. 

"No one was threatening your position in the group, Remy," Logan replied. He rolled his eyes as the Slytherin approached him. "Seriously, no one was trying to challenge you."

As Remy began to rant about why he was the gayest in the group, Val chuckled and looked downward at Virgil. "Yeah, just in case you couldn't guess based on the introductions, we're really accepting," the beater explained. "So if you're not straight or something, don't feel shy to come out. We promise we won't judge."

"Thanks Val," he replied, smiling at him. He then reached up and rubbed the back of his neck as he steeled his nerves. He took a deep breath and nodded. "Uh, yeah, actually. I'm... I'm gay."

The taller boy smiled at him warmly. With a little flip of his short, platinum blond hair, he wrapped an arm around the home-schooled wizard. Virgil laughed a little from shock as he leaned into the embrace. "You're cool with us, Virge," he said, laughing. "You can be as gay as you want with our group!"

Roman watched their interaction as Remy and Logan argued, not being able to hear what they were talking about but seeing Val hug the darkly dressed boy. He felt his stomach tighten. Why was it that everyone seemed to like the new kid but him?

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