Chapter 4

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Pipers POV

i was walkinh down tje stairs whem i heard a male singing.

Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand

But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man

These nights never seem to go to plan

I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?


Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love, it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me

Why am I so emotional?

No, it's not a good look, gain some self-control

And deep down I know this never works

But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt

[Chorus 3x]

I kept listening and it was really good. I went down the stairs to find it was Jason. Hmmmmmm. Would it really be that bad if the Seven found out who I was. I have had a better life without them so I really don't care.

I got a trumpet and played that song that wakes people up.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE! Please report to the living room in 10 minutes! Level 4!

I walked into my room and into the closet. I walked to the end of my walk-in closet and approached a chest at the end. I remembered I hid the key behind the poster of me on the wall. I took the poster down and the key fell. I grabbed it and stuck it into the keyhole in the chest.

I opened it to find my treasures. My Camp Half-Blood t shirts, my trusty dagger Katoptris with its sheath, the necklace Jason gave me, and my blue Harpy feather and everything else from my old life.

I took the T-shirt and changed into it along with some jeans with a lot of holes in them. I put the sheath in a belt that I put on my jeans and placed Katoptris inside the sheath. I remembered that time when Kerkrops came onto the ship and I sang to hypnotize him into helping us, instead of fooling us. I sang Summertime or at least a few verses.

I put braids in my hair and placed the blue Harpy feather in one. I looked in the mirror to see myself. Wow. I couldn't help but turn away. I left that life behind. I'm not Piper anymore. I'm anything but Piper now, and I like it. There was no turning back except now there is. This doesn't mean I'll still be Piper once I reveal myself though does it? No. It won't. I've changed and this is me now. I'm stronger cooler and I've got a new kind of aura in me now. Above it all, I'm more powerful. I don't care what anybody says, Piper is gone. Lots of parts of her are in me but now I'm different.

I put the poster back onto the wall, and ran put of my closet and room. I hoped down to the living room and hid behind the loveseat.I heard everybody came down.

"Why do you think she called us down here?" Asked Percy

"She probably wants to talk about our demigod life Seaweed Brain." You know said that.

"She doesn't really seem all that proud about being a demigod." Said Hazel

Okay this is fun. Time to reveal myself. Okay I'm ready yep I'm ready. Wait why are palms so sweaty? UGGHHH! Okay dude, c'mon. On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3,

"SURPRISE!!!!" I leaped out of my hiding space.

"AHHHHHH!!!" Two little girl voices screamed. Wow really Percy and Leo!?!?!?

"PIPER?!??!" Everyone screamed.

"Yep." I smirked as Hazel Annabeth and Leo through themselves on me in a massive hug.

"Oh ya I missed you guys too. Love you too. Can't. Breath."

"Sorry!" They screamed and let go of me.

"Violet why-"

I interupted Annabeth.

" You can still me Piper but she is mostly gone. You can call me Violet too though. Call me anything really except-"
Now I got interrupted.



He hugged me again.

"I'm sorry I ran away but I'm glad I did. I needed this life, away from other demigods for a while and start again. Try to have a good life without monsters and all, you know."

They all nodded. I'm so glad they understood. Well I don't think Jason understood, but screw him.

"You ran away from me and Reyna Pipes, that's he truth!" Jason screamed.

"1. Don't call me Pipes, only my FRIENDS can call me that. And 2. That's only part of the truth! You broke my heart and I needed a new life away from you, Reyna and well everyone for that matter! I'm glad did it! So don't don't act like you know me anymore! Cause guess what! You know absolutely NOTHING now!" I screamed back at him.

Should I really have done this? No no, I needed this. I need him out of my life though but I'm glad I revealed my secret now.

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