Claire Wineland

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September 2nd, 2018 was the day Claire Wineland, who inspired me and thousands of other people passed away. I hadn't known this until today which I find quite sad so I'm using my platform here show you all just how amazing this woman was. She died at 21. She knew she was going to die but she didn't let that stop her. Having Cystic Fibrosis (I think that's it) meant, at an early age, for her she was going to die but she didn't lay down and think about all of her sad terrifying days.

She traveled to my school (I think I remember her there or someone similar idk don't quote me on that) and many other places giving people hope and courage that they never thought they had. She was an amazing person and though she's not here anymore her name will live on forever.

Aizawa x Reader (First Person POV/Lemon&Fluff)Where stories live. Discover now