Chapter 6: My urge

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I woke up from bed having the best night ever but I can surely say I want to feel it again. Harry is staring deeply at me and I do same.

"Morning." I smiled lightly towards him. He kisses me on my chin, pulling me closer to him.

"You're the best, El." He's breathe hits me, giving a spark to my body. His hands moves freely around my naked body, leaving me with no control. He strikes me with a finger asking for no permission. My body reacts with a low scream. 

"You have no manners." I glare sexily at him. He strikes with two more, setting me off the edge.

"I surely don't." And he strikes again and again until a call distracts our morning lessons. Great!

"Nate, what is it?" Harry speaks over the phone angrily for interrupting us.

"Your mom wants you in the meeting right now. It's really important. We have some new investors."  Nate replies.

"Right now?" He looks at me worriedly, knowing I won't be pleased.

"Yes, boss."

"Okay, I'll be there within fifteen minutes." He hangs up, giving me a 'sorry' face.

"Don't say it." I pleaded.

"El, it's important."

"No, you're not leaving me halfway. You know how I hate it."

"I'll make it up to you, okay." He pecks me and stands up, heading straight to the bathroom.

Within five minutes, he was gone and I was alone. I went to have my bathe and ate when breakfast was served. I had dressed sexily underneath my garment, still waiting for his return. He turned my sex urge back on and I can't get my mind off it. One hour was gone, two, three, four! What the hell was he still doing at his workplace. I was losing my patience so was my urge. I'm going there. I want to know what kind of meeting would take four hours. Still on my lingering, I wore a short black dress with a black heel and my purse with me. I entered into his mecedes -benz and ordered the driver to take me there. This was my first time going to his company. Well, I wouldn't have gone if it wasn't this urgent. I think it's time to show those bitches that I own him, especially his irritating personal assistant. She's always coming into our house, intruding our privacy. 

I got into the elevator, putting my shade on. Getting out, I head for the reception only to be stopped by his secretary.

"Excuse me, you can't go in."

"And why not?" I say containing my rage.

"Do you have an appointment with him?"

"I'm his wife and yes I have an appointment with him and if you don't want to get fired, let me in." I warned.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that. I need to verify first." She tries calling but he isn't picking up.

"This is bull shit." I walked speedily into his office, losing my patience and I got a clear view of why Harry has been delaying me at home. This is no meeting.

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