Never again

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Ruby's P.O.V

"Hello Ruby." Cinder said in a sickly sweet voice. "Ah miss Rose I see you already know miss Fall?" Ozpin asked as I was holding back a growl. "Yes sir we've had a couple encounters before." She walked over to me and leaned into my ear to whisper. "Meet me on the roof after this or else." She patted my shoulder as she left the office. I stayed tense before Raven spoke up. "You OK there kiddo?" I looked at her. "Of course Aunt Raven just sore from last night." She gave me a look of disbelief before Ozpin spoke up. "Now the reason I called you four here is I've heard Miss Rose has gained full control?" I stepped forward letting go of Weiss's hand. I stood tall and spoke with confidence. "Yes sir but that did not come without consequences. As you can see I can no longer use my right eye." He nodded before my father spoke up. "Ruby I-I." He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for never being there for you when you needed me. I should have looked for you instead of drowning my self in my work." He looked at me with a sad face. "It's alright Father I understand the loss of my mother was great and I should have tried to understand before I took the actions I did." I bowed in apology. "Now if I may be excused I have a meeting with an old ' friend ' that I must attend to I will be back shortly." I then vanished in a flurry of petals as I appeared on the roof top.

Yang's P.O.V

I stood there dumbfounded. "Sir if I may ask what was the meaning of this meeting?" He sighed. "Miss Rose is off suspension and is allowed to continue class and missions." I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Of course Sir." I looked to my uncle to see him looking at the floor. "If we may be excused we have training." I lied. He just nodded and waved us away.

As soon as we were away from his office I turned to the other two. "We need to find Ruby I haven't seen her that way in a long time." Blake then spoke up. "That Cinder person said to meet on the roof. Let's look there." I nodded as we ran to the roof and stopped at the door to hear talking. "I've kicked your ass before what makes you think I won't do it again Cinder!?" I heard Ruby yelling. "Because we wouldn't want your little friend group and family to learn the truth now would we?"

Ruby's P.O.V

I stiffened and dropped my weapon. "You wouldn't." I glared at her. "Try me." She smirked as she walked closer to me. "You may have taken the sight in my left eye when the experiment went south but I know you better than anyone." I snapped out of it and pinned her to the ground. "Give me one reason I shouldn't rip your throat out." I growled with my claws growing. "Because you don't want to have to explain why you're part grimm to the girls on the other side of the door." She whispered in my ear before disappearing in a burst of flames. "Damn it!" I yelled while I calmed myself down and hid my grimm features. I could hear the door open and the rest of my team step onto the roof. "Ruby what did she mean?" I started panicking. I turned around hiding my claws behind my back. "N-nothing Yang." I tried to walk past them and down the stairs when Yang yanked my hand out from under my cloak. "Ruby what is this?" She said as she let my arm drop and she slowly backed away. "Nothing!" I yelled as I dispersed in a cloud of rose petals and landed in the emerald forest. I activated my grimm eye to call shadow. "Damn it!" I gripped my eye as I felt it start to bleed again. "Ruby!" I turn to see shadow running towards me. "What happened?" I shrug as I lay down on the grass. "Cinders back." He looked at me before curling up next to me. "Should I tell my queen?" I sighed. "At this point I don't care." I closed my good eye. "But now the others saw my claws and are scared again." I turned and snuggled into his fur. "How am I supposed to tell them I'm part grimm too!?" I yelled frustrated. "That's why you ran?" I jumped up to see Weiss. "W-Weiss what are you doing here?!" She smiled at me as she sat next to me and hugged me. "I followed you after you left." She smirked. "You know if you wanna hide from us you should really think about the trail of roses you leave." I opened my mouth but just closed it again. "I'm sorry. I know I'm a freak, a monster." I felt her tighten the hug. "Of course your not. We would never think that." She gave me a kiss. "Come on the others are waiting for us back at school." I just looked at the ground. "I can't. Not right now at least." I just snuggled closer to Weiss as I closed my eyes. 

Weiss's P.O.V.

I look down to see Ruby asleep. "You know she means well right?" I look to see shadow stretching. "Yea but why Is she so scared of what Yang will think?" I sighed as I ran my fingers through her hair. "Well when she was younger she was taught that grimm where the enemy and anything that has to do with grimm was evil and a monster." I laid down again. "All she wanted was the approval of others." I nodded as I laid down next to Ruby. "I wish she would be more honest with us. We are a team after all." "Don't worry about it she'll come around." Shadow yawned. "Get some rest I'll keep an eye out for hostiles in the area." I nodded as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep laying next to the girl I love. 

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