Chapter 15

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'Again. Harder than that! Come on, it's like you don't even want to cause any damage! Hit it again!' Alaric repeatedly shouted as I pounded my fists against the pads on his hands. 'Come on, Andy, you had it twenty minutes ago!'

'That was twenty minutes ago, Ric!' I snapped as I feebly punched at the pad. 'When your only form of exercise is walking to the kitchen, being thrown into this is like being sent to a vampire army camp!' I cried.

'Look, you've got the technique right, just not the power behind the punch! Come on, just give me a few more hits then we'll take a break.'

'I can't!' I whined as I collapsed onto the forest floor. 'My hands ache, my back aches and I'm pretty sure I've broken at least one of my fingers!' As I spoke, I ripped off the gloves from around my hands, throwing them as far away from me as possible.

Ric slowly slumped down beside me, carefully taking off his pads as I tried to catch my breath. 'I don't see why I need to learn how to fight if I'm just going to use my powers!' I panted, falling onto my back as I took in deep breaths.

'Well, if Kol tries anything before we can get to you, you can at least defend yourself,' he replied, grunting as he pulled free of the pads.

'That's where my Sabrina powers come in handy,' I sung as I held up my arms, moving my fingers quickly backwards and forwards. 'If they're on form, he won't stand a chance,' I said, sounding more confident than I felt as I let my arms fall back down onto my stomach.

'But if, hypothetically of course, your powers don't work and you only realize it when you're locked in there, you will have a basic knowledge of self-defence to help you out.'

I gave a bark of laughter. 'I doubt punching an Original or at least attempting to punch an Original will do much damage,' I sighed, closing my eyes for a second before opening them with a frown. Sitting up onto my elbows, I turned to Alaric who was already up and packing stuff away. 'What if I kick him in...' As I let my words trail off, Ric slowly turned round to face me, raising his brows in wait. 'Between the legs. Would that do anything?' I asked with a sweet smile.

Ric continued to stare at me for a while before shaking his head in exasperation. 'Can't say I've ever tried. And I don't think you should either!' he said as I pulled myself up with a groan before slowly stumbling towards Ric in order to help him pack up. 'I wouldn't want to piss him off that badly.'

'Ric; I'm going there to murder the bastard, not to do shots and bend over the pool table for him!' As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I felt my eyes widen. Ric slowly stood up from where he was zipping up the bag full of weapons, and slowly turned round, giving me a parental 'concerned yet curious' look. 'What?' I asked.

He stared at me for what felt like hours 'til he laughed, turning round to bend down and pick up the bag. 'Maybe I didn't need to give you self-defence lessons.' At my furrowed brows, he laughed again, walking in the direction of where my thrown gloves were. 'It looks like you know how to handle yourself.'


The group had gone over the plan at least a dozen times before Stefan got the phone call from Matt saying that Kol had arrived. Caroline was also at the Grill as a protection for Matt, though he insisted that he would be safe without her.

Caroline and Matt would try and get as many people out as they could the second I would walk in. Damon and Ric would be ready outside the door in case anything went wrong whilst Stefan would be round the back, making sure that Kol didn't call for reinforcements.

All that was left was how to keep Kol distracted whilst the civilians got out. Unfortunately, Bonnie wasn't on our side, despite our mutual desire to get rid of the Originals, as Damon had turned her mother into a vampire. Elena was also not on the scene but that was only because it would be safer for her not to be anywhere near the action.

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