Demon Dean Part 2

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Dean woke groaning, moving to rub his eyes. But found he couldn't. He blinked, and looked around. He was back in the basement, tied to a chair inside a devils trap. He struggled, and suddenly Cas was standing in front of him.

"I'm sorry," he said, and jabbed a needle into Dean's neck. He screamed, the noise getting louder as Cas made the blood enter his body. Dean writhed, trying to move away, but to no avail. Cas pulled out the needle, and Dean breathed heavily. Not thirty seconds later, another needle entered his neck, and he cried out. Tears ran down his face, an the needle was yanked out. Over and over, Dean screaming each time, Cas getting paler and paler. Dean started sweating and shaking, his head lolling limply. Sam ended up holding his head up so Cas could get the needle in the right spot. Dean whimpered, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Dean," Cas whispered, pushing the needle in. Dean let out a pathetic moan, whispering.

"What?" Cas asked, leaning closer.

"I love you," Dean whispered, crying. Cas let out a sob, pressing his forehead to Dean's chest.

"I love you too Dean," he whispered, "and that's why I'm doing this."

"Please," Dean croaked, shaking. Sam watched them sadly, still holding Dean's head up. Cas stuck the needle in his arm, pulling more blood and putting it into Dean. Dean let out a broken scream, twisting and writhing. Cas sobbed, pulling out the needle.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry please Dean let me help you," Cas whispered. Dean didn't react, his eyes falling closed. Sam smacked his cheeks.

"Dean wake up!" he called. Cas jabbed the needle one last time, chanting and pulling it out.

"It's done, it's done," he whispered, sinking to his knees. Sam didn't answer, still trying to wake Dean. Dean still didn't move, and Sam untied him, picking him up and running out of the basement and upstairs. Cas watched, only acknowledging that no one had to break the trap to get Dean out. Cas slowly stood, stumbling and going upstairs. Sam had laid a shaking Dean on his bed, pulling off his shoes, socks, and shirt. Dean didn't move once during this, and Sam was getting visibly worried. The unconscious hunter was shaking, pale, and sweaty. Cas stumbled in, sitting in a chair and rubbing the tender spot on his arm. Sam glanced at him, and left the room. When he came back, he handed Cas a bottle of orange juice and a sandwich.

"You need food. That was a lot of blood," he said. Cas nodded and took it, eating and drinking quickly. Sam sat next to Dean, mopping his brow. Dean shivered, breathing slowly and shakily.

"Will he be okay?" Sam asked.

"I... I don't know," Cas said, finishing the orange juice and sighing.

"I feel much better now, thank you," Cas said quietly, looking down at his hands. Sam nodded, wiping the sweat off Dean and feeling his forehead.

"Shit he's burning up," he muttered, shaking Dean's shoulders. Dean flopped limply, head lolling around pathetically. Sam groaned, putting his head in his hands. Cas stared at Dean, reaching out and stroking his hair. Dean still didn't move, and Cas let out a sad sigh, dropping his head onto Dean's chest. Sam rubbed his shoulder, leaving the room, and Cas slowly fell asleep.

When he woke, Sam was sitting next to Dean, and he stood. Cas left the room, wandering aimlessly around the Bunker. He made his way to the basement, avoiding the room where... stuff happened. He glanced in the door, looking at the devils trap and the chair with the ropes hanging off of it, the syringe on the table and the many different needles with blood on the tips. He moved away quickly, thinking about the prone body of Dean lying up in his room. Cas took a deep, shaky breath, running up the stairs and into Dean's room. Sam was asleep, hands wrapped around Dean's and face on the blankets. Dean was still unmoving, and Cas slid down the doorframe with a small sob. He put his arms on his knees, head resting on his forearms. He shook, body wracked with sobs.

A day passed. Two, then three and four. A week, two. Nothing. Dean never woke, never moved except to moan or shake. He was pale, sweaty, and burning up, and looking very malnourished. Sam would try to pour water down his throat, but Dean wouldn't cooperate. It all just sat in his mouth until he took a breath and started choking until someone turned him on his side. Cas was a mess, panicking every few hours that this was all his fault and Dean would never wake up. Sam would have to calm him down, kneeling in front of him and promising him that Dean would be fine, that he would wake up. Cas would shake and sob for a while until he calmed down and fell asleep. He'd sleep for a couple of hours, wake up, and go sit next to Dean.

One of his panic attacks had just finished, but instead of just passing out on the couch he went into Dean's room. He sat down, resting his head on top of his and Dean's hands. He drifted away slowly, only to be snapped back into consciousness by a groan and a twitch of Dean's fingers. He sat up, wide awake. Dean's eyes were fluttering weakly, his breathing quickening.

"Sam!" He screamed, and Sam ran into the room, leaning over Dean.

"Dean? Wake up Dean? Are you okay?" Sam said. Dean's eyes fluttered open, and he tried to speak. Nothing but a dry grunt and hiss came out. Sam sat him up, but Dean immediately fell back onto the bed when the support left. Sam cursed as Dean blinked lethargically, and Sam sat him up again. One hand on his back, the other giving him a glass of water. Dean tried to grab it, but could barely lift his arm. Sam tilted it, and Dean gulped the water down. He tries to speak again, but started coughing. Sam rubbed his backing slowly, and Dean slouched.

"You okay man?" Sam asked him. Dean grunted in response, looking up slowly. His eyes widened when he saw a red-faced Cas, and he flew out of the bed. Dean collapsed on top of Cas, arms draped around him. Cas hugged back, crying into his shoulders. Dean shushed his, stroking his hair with shaky fingers.

"I'm so sorry Dean," he whispered, crying against his shoulder. Dean shook his head, pulling back and smiling at him. But on his gaunt, hollow, skeleton-like face it did nothing but make Cas feel worse. He had done this to Dean. Almost three weeks without seeing his bright green eyes, the fear of never seeing them again, rested on his shoulders. Dean fell back on the bed, breathing heavily and closing his eyes.

"No going to sleep on me it's not allowed right now. We're gonna fill you with food and water then you can sleep. Please stay awake," Sam said, shaking his shoulders and pulling him into a sitting position. Dean groaned and fell back against the wall. He rubbed his throat, grimacing.

"Thirsty?" Sam asked, and he nodded. Sam held the cup to his lips again, and Dean gulped breathlessly. When the cup was pulled away, he followed it with his mouth, smacking his lips and frowning. Sam smiled and got him another glass. Dean downed it too, sighing and letting his head thunk against the wall. Sam winced at the loud thunk and cupped the back of Dean's head.

"You hungry?" He asked. Dean nodded slowly and Sam pushed him into a sitting position, and swung his legs out of the bed. Dean planted his feet and tried to stand, but ended up face down on Sam's chest. Sam held him up, wrapping his arm around his shoulders.

"It's alright man, hold steady," Sam said, holding him up. Dean grumbled, slouching. Cas wrapped his other arm around his shoulder, helping Sam carry him to the kitchen. They dropped Dean into a chair, and Sam handed him a sandwich. Dean ate it quickly, then coughed. He leaned forwards, clutching his stomach. Sam realized what was about to happen and pushed a bucket under him. Dean heaved, gasping for breath after he emptied the meager contents of his stomach. Sam sighed and turned away, fixing him some soup. Cas rubbed Dean's back slowly, and Dean's breathing slowly evened. The soup was easier for him to get down, and after he started dozing off in the kitchen Sam realized he wasn't just gonna bounce back from this one. This was going to take time.

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