Where Were You?

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Summary: Cas had gone missing, and Dean was very anxious. Then one day, he just showed up.

Dean was pacing again. Hands twisted into knots, he kept glancing at the front door. He muttered to himself, turning on the ball of his heel and walking again. Sam sighed heavily, slamming his laptop shut.

"Would you stop it?!?! We're gonna find him, alright?!" Sam yelled, and Dean glared at him. He walked further and leaned his head against the wall, digging his fist into it. Sam sighed again, standing and putting his hand on Dean's shoulder.

"We're gonna find him, Dean. I promise," he said, then looked up.




Dean's head snapped up, and he ran to the door. Sam pulled out his gun, training it on the door. Dean opened it slowly, then flung it the rest of the way. A heap of trench coat and dark hair fell into his arms. Sam dropped the gun and ran up the stairs.

"Cas?!" Dean exclaimed, holding him tight to his chest. Sam ran over to them, and Dean kneeled down, setting Cas down so his head was laying in Dean's lap. Sam kneeled next to them. Cas' eyes were half lidded and he touched Dean's face.

"Cas are you alright?" Dean asked urgently, touching the hand on his face. Cas smiled weakly.

"Just tired. What happened?" He answered.

"We were on a hunt. Just a run of the mill salt and burn. Sam was waiting in the car, you and I were burning the bones. I was digging, I look back up, you were gone. That was a week ago," Dean said.

"Where did I go?" Cas asked, sitting up slightly. Dean took his shoulders, sliding him up so he was leaning against Dean's shoulder.

"We were hoping you could tell us that, Cas," Dean said. Cas frowned.

"I don't know. I'm tired, Dean. Can we talk about this later?" Cas asked pathetically, looking up at him.

"Yeah, of course," Dean said, pulling Cas to his feet carefully. Cas leaned on him with a sigh, eyes closed. Dean started to walk him down the stairs, and he stumbled. Sam reached out a hand instinctively, and Dean scooped him up. Cas leaned his head on his shoulder again, and fell asleep immediately. Dean looked down at him, then looked at Sam.

"Are we sure he's alright?" Sam said.

"I don't know, I'm just gonna let him sleep for a while. He's out," Dean answered. Sam nodded as Dean walked back to a spare room right across from his own. He laid Cas down, pulling off the trench coat and setting it on the desk. He pulled off Cas' socks and shoes, and covered him with a blanket. As he turned to leave, he heard a small voice call out.

"Dean?" Cas asked. Dean turned and looked at him.

"Will you stay?" He asked. Dean looked back out the door, then at Cas, and sighed.

"Sure buddy," he sighed, and pulled up a chair next to the bed. Cas smiled and took his hands. Dean hesitated, looking at it warily, then wrapped his hands around Cas'. Cas sighed and closed his eyes, falling asleep. Dean smiled and shifted. Cas grabbed his arms, rolling onto his side. Dean was pulled onto the bed with his head pressed into the back of Cas' neck. He froze, and Cas grumbled, rolling so Dean's arms were pinned under him and their faces were inches apart. Dean grunted, and sighed.

"Oh well," he whispered to himself, kicking his shoes off and closing his eyes.

Hours later, his eyes opened and Cas was staring at him. Dean stared back, lips parted and eyes hazy.

"Morning," Dean grumbled.

"Morning. When did you get in the bed?" Cas asked.

"I didn't. You pulled me," Dean smiled. Cas laughed, and Dean looked at him, eyes wide. Cas stared back at him, licking his lips. Dean slid closer, and Cas shifted his head. Their lips met, and a tiny explosion erupted in Dean's heart. His eyes fluttered closed and their lips moved in sync. Dean unraveled their fingers and his hand slid through Cas' hair. Cas took a small breath and slid a hand over Dean's back.

"I love you," Dean whispered as he took a breath.

"I love you too," Cas breathed. Their lips pulled apart and their foreheads met, their breathing ragged and eccentric. A yell was heard from somewhere in the Bunker.

"Took you long enough!"

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