Chapter 1

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"You're late again" Maddie whispered to Shardia as soon as she sat down next to her.

"It's not my fault" Shardia whispered back "My alarm didn't go off"

"Maddie, Shardia do i have to give you detention again for talking in class." Our english teacher said in a stern voice.

"Sorry Mr. Englishpen" (AN: I didn't know what else to name him!)

Shardia and Maddie said at the same time.

Mr. Englishpen turned around and started explaining something extremely boring.

"Ha ha" Brodie laughed. "What's that the 6th time you've go in trouble this week"

"Shut up" Maddie snapped.

"That's it detention for both of you." Mr. Englishpen yelled.

"But Brodie started it" Maddie whined.

"I don't want to hear it Maddie if i hear another peep out of you i'm sending you straight to the principles office.  


Stay Groovy

Be Fabulous




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