Chapter 1

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~Teresa's POV~

Me and my bestfriend were walking down the street to the store to buy us something to drink. We decided to take the short way but when we turned round the corner there stood Rakim and his gang of dealers selling drugs.


"Now I know why we avoid this way."

"Yea but I'm not trying to walk the long way so let's go and just try to ignore them."

We continued to walk and talk. I had my phone in my back pocket. I was walking past Rakim when he grabbed my phone. I turned around.

"Give me my phone rocky."

"Why should I?"

"Because it's mine" I said with an attitude. He just looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Rocky I'm serious give me my phone back bro."

He finally gave in and gave me my phone back. Me and my friend went to turn around and walk when rocky stopped us.

"Aye me and my guys are throwing a party tonight at my house you guys should come through."

"We will think about it."


Me and my friend turned around and walked to the store.

"So are we going to that party tonight?"

"Girl hell yeah."

"Teresa do you have a crush on rocky?"

"Yea I mean who doesn't."

She started smiling. We got to the store and bought our drinks. We decided to take the short way home so I could see rocky again. We walked pass rocky and he whistled. I smiled and continued to walk. We got to my house and went inside. We went straight to my room.

"So let's pick out our outfits for tonight."

We went though my closet and I picked out this sexy ass outfit. I put on my mid thigh length skirt and my long sleeve shirt that had a mesh middle part and it showed my bra and cleavage. I put on my heels and I did my hair and makeup. My friend got dressed and we grabbed our stuff and headed to the party. We walked and we hit this house with the door open and lots of people partying. We walked into the house and we were looking for rocky but couldn't find him. We went and grabbed a couple drinks to drink. We went and started dancing.

~Rockys POV~

The party was crazy and bumping. Girls were shaking their ass and grinding. I was sitting on the couch watching everything until I seen Teresa and her friend walk in. Teresa was looking mighty fine. She was looking for me and then ending up going to grab a drink. She went and started dancing with her friend. I finished the blunt and got up off the couch. I walked over to Teresa.

"I see you came."

"Yea I did." She said smiling.

"And you looking fine as ever."

"Thank you rocky. You ain't looking bad yourself." She said smiling. I smiled and bit my lip.

"So how you liking the party?"

"It's fun."

"You know I try."

She laughed.

"You wanna dance?"

"Yea let's go."

We walked and started dancing together. She was grinding on me. I was holding her waist and she was touching all over my body. She was getting a little tipsy. I had to stop her.

"Ok I think you have had enough."

I took her cup from her and set it down.

"Let's go outside and get you some fresh air."

I grabbed her hand and guided her outside. We walked into an empty room. We sat down on the chairs and talked.

"How you doing ma?"

"I'm good a little tipsy but I'm good."

"That's good."


She was looking at the sky and was smiling.

"It's so beautiful out here."

"Yea it is."

She looked at me and smiled.

"So ma tell me about yourself."

"Well I'm 17. I lost my aunt when I was 2. My dad left me when I was 10. I live with my mom. I don't have a boyfriend and I'm virgin."

"Damn ma how come you don't have a boyfriend?"

"Well Rocky I have relationship issues and trust issues."



We were talking and looking at the sky. She wasn't so tipsy and we went inside. Her friend found her and was whispering in her ear.

"Well Rocky we should head out. This was a great party and it was great getting to know you. See you again sometime."

"Yea for sure ma." I smiled and so did she.

She walked out and headed home. The party went on for awhile and then everyone went home and I went upstairs and stripped down and climbed into bed. I laid there thinking about Teresa. I kept thinking about her smile and her voice. Her voice was so mesmerizing. I finally was able to fall asleep but I couldn't stop thinking about Teresa.

My drug dealer//ASAP RockyWhere stories live. Discover now