Chapter 2

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~Teresa's POV~
I woke up the next morning having this killer headache. I got out bed and started rubbing my head. I went to the bathroom and freshened up and took some medicine. I went to my closet and chose my outfit for today. I chose these cute short shorts and a crop top. I put on my converse and I was doing my hair when my phone rang.


"Hey bestie."

"Hey boo."

"You wanna go hang with rocky and them today?"

"Yea why not."

"Alright I'll be there in ten. Call him and tell him."


She hung up and I set my phone down and finished doing my hair. I did this cute hairstyle and I grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs. There was a knock on the front door. I opened it while on the phone.


"Hey Rocky it's Teresa."

"Oh wassup baby?"

"Me and my bestie wanna know if it's ok to come hang out with you and your crew?"

"Yea. You know where we always at."

"Ok we will see you soon."

I put my phone in my back pocket. I seen my bestie and we hugged.

"So what did he say?"

"He said yea."

She started smiling hard. I smiled and we walked out the house. I locked the door and forgot my key and my parents aren't home. Oh well I'll probably stay with my bestie or rocky for the night.

We started walking and we took the shortcut and we turned the corner and we seen Rakim and his group standing there dealing they drugs. We walked up and Rakim seen us. He started smiling and I walked up and hugged him.

"Hey ma."

"Hey rocky."

He was still in the middle of the drug transaction. He turned back and finished the transaction and he got the money and the dude left. Rocky stuck the money in his pocket. I was on my phone texting my bestfriend about how fine rocky is. I felt rocky put his arm around my shoulders and I didn't know he seen the messages until he said something.

"So I'm fine asf and you would fuck the shit out of me?"

I hurried up and covered my phone.

"Omg you weren't suppose to see that." I said laughing and blushing. He started laughing. Even his laugh is fine asf.

"It's all good ma."

I blushed and he went back to talking but kept his arm around my shoulders. I put my phone in my back pocket. I looked at rockys hair.

"One day you should come over so I can fix your braids. They overdue and need redone."

He looked at me.

"Don't come for my braids." He said laughing.

"Boy." I said laughing.

"But yea I'll come through one day so you can do them for me."

I smiled and I seen my bestie on her phone.

"Hey babes you ok?"

"Yea." She said fake smiling.

"No your not. I can tell. What's up?"

"It's just I really like rockys homie over there in the hoodie but I don't know if he like me and I feel lonely since you and rocky are whatever the fuck you guys are."

"Aww babes I can hook you guys up and don't feel lonely boo. Me and rocky bum ass ain't together yet."

I made sure I said bum ass loud and I started smiling and laughing. He looked at me.

"You won't be saying that for long." He yelled laughing. I rolled my eyes and went back to talking.

"Could you please hook me up?"

"Yea babes I got you." I hugged her and walked to rocky.

"Can I speak to you alone for a second?"

"Yea." We walked to the side.

"Wassup ma?"

"So my bestie likes your friend over there in the hoodie and I was wondering if you could hook them up for me please." I said smiling.

He looked at his friend and my bestie.

"Shit I might fuck your bestie." He said smirking. I smacked his arm.

"Stop playing cause if you fuck her you can't fuck me."

"Shiii that's what you think." He said laughing.

"That's what I know."

"Ok let me stop playing. I got you."

"Thank you."

He winked and walked to his friend. He was speaking to him and then his friend walked over to my bestie. They were laughing and talking. Rockys other dudes were hitting on every girl walking by. I was standing next to rocky. It was getting late.

"Hey bestie you ready to go. I gotta stay with you since I'm locked out my house."

"Yea let's go."

"I should get going. I gotta stay with my bestie."

"Why don't you stay with me?"

"I mean if it's ok with you. I can."


"We still gotta walk her home. I don't want her walking home by herself."

"Ok let's go. I'll see y'all later." They did their handshake and we walked my bestie home.

"Boo I'm gonna stay with Rakim but I love you and I'm gonna come over tomorrow."

"Ok boo."

We hugged and then me and Rakim walked and talked.

"So ma. You single?"



"Because my last boyfriend played me and fucked my ex bestie."

"Damn. Just know if you get with me I'm only gonna be all about you."

"Oh really." I said smiling.

"Yea most def."

I smiled and he put his arm around my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and held it.

"So ma you gonna be my girl or what?"

"Yea Rocky I'll be your girl." I smiled. We kissed and were walking to his house when a black truck pulled up. Rocky moved me behind him.

"Aye rocky. Long time no see."

"What do you want?"

"I was just driving and seen that fine piece of ass behind you and decided to stop and say hello."

"Well you said it now bye."

Me and rocky started walking to his house again. The guy in the black truck started shooting at us. I got scared and rocky grabbed my hand and we started running to his house. We got to the house and I went in first and he shut the door.

"Rocky who was that?" I said with a shaky voice.

"That was this drug dealer that don't like me."

I sat there shaking for a minute. Rocky came and hugged me.

"Baby calm down as long as I'm around nobody is ever gonna hurt you."

I cried into his shirt he hugged me tighter. We walked upstairs and to his room. He shut the door and I changed into one of rockys shirts. I had my underwear and bra on and his shirt. He was in a tank top and basketball shorts. I climbed into bed and cuddled him. I was still shaken up after getting shot at. I was still shaking a little bit. Rakim held me tighter. I finally stopped shaking. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

My drug dealer//ASAP RockyWhere stories live. Discover now