Chapter 3

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~Teresa's POV~

I woke up and looked up and rocky was still asleep. I just stared at him while he slept. He looks so fine when he sleeps.

"You enjoying the view?"

"Yes it's gorgeous." I smiled.

"My view is even better." He smiled. I got up and straddled him. He had his hands on my waist. I leaned down and kissed him. I picked my phone up and called my bestie.


"Hey bestie. I'll be over a little later. I'm with rocky right now."

"Oou you about to get some? You gonna let him feel how that pussy feel?" She said laughing.

"Yea I am. You know it." I said laughing and smiling.

"Alright call me when you on your way over."

"I will."

I hung up and set my phone down. I looked at rocky. He was feeling on my body. I had my hands on his chest. He moved one of his hands to my waist and one to my vagina. He started rubbing me through my underwear. I moaned and gripped his hand. He flipped us over and he fixed himself to where he was between my legs. He started rubbing and I moaned. He pulled my underwear down and pulled his underwear down. He positioned himself to my entrance. He looked at me.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

"Yea I'm ready."

He nodded and put it in. I gasped and smiled. He started thrusting in and out. It hurt but then it started to feel good. I moaned and gripped his biceps. He started to thrust faster. It felt so good. He went faster and faster I scratched his back and he left hickeys on my neck. We kissed and he went faster and I moaned and scratched his back. I felt the pleasure starting to form in my stomach.

"I'm getting close Rakim."

He smiled and kept thrusting.

"Faster Rakim!" I moaned out.

He went faster and I moaned and scratched his back.  I felt the pleasure and it got closer.

"I'm coming Rakim!"

We both came at the same time. Rakim rolled over and laid next to me. We were laying down and I was leaving hickeys on his neck.

"You better stop before we go again and I'm pretty sure you wanna be able to walk." He laughed and I blushed. We were laying there in silence when Rocky spoke.


"Yea Rakim?"

"Your pussy was amazing." He said smiling. I laughed.

"We should get dressed and go grab my friend." I said and put my underwear on.

"You got something I can wear?"

"Yea baby. Choose anything from out the closet."

I got up off of him and went to the closet. I chose this oversized baggie shirt and I undressed and rocky was whistling at me and I smiled and put the shirt on. I put on my converse.

"Baby let's go to my house so I can change shoes."

He nodded and got up and got dressed. We got in the car and he drove me to my house. I seen my parents were home which means the door is unlocked. I got out and went inside and changed into thigh-high shoes and came back out. I got in the car and we headed to get my best friend. We pulled up and he honked. She came out and got in the car. We drove and picked up her boyfriend. His homie and her ended up getting together and me and rocky together so we are going on a double date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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